Bangladesh has a history of effective economic inclusion programs, but they are implemented primarily by civil society organizations. Government-implemented initiatives are critical for scale but there...
Bangladesh has a history of effective economic inclusion programs, but they are implemented primarily by civil society organizations. Government-implemented initiatives are critical for scale but there...
The COVID-19 pandemic created an urgent need for timely information to help monitor and mitigate the socio-economic impact of the crisis. This information is essential to inform policy measures for protecting...
Two-thirds of central banks in the East Asia and Pacific (EAP) region have started researching or testing the implementation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). At the same time, the region accounts...
This brief provides descriptive evidence of the operational and policy responses of the electricity sector in 120 economies to the early stages of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In addition, to assess...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: COVID-19 and vaccination update; employment and income loss;...
This brief has been produced under the World Bank’s Indonesia Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) observatory, a partnership among multiple global practices at the Bank that aims to generate near-real-time...
2020 has been a challenging year for most industries and people around the globe. Global oil and gas companies were hit especially hard, while the mini-Gas to Liquid (GTL) field saw some project delays...
The brief presents the main findings from the fourth of eight rounds of a nationally representative survey of 1,500 randomly selected households in all states/regions of Myanmar. The survey was undertaken...
The brief presents the main findings from the fourth of eight rounds of a nationally representative survey of 1,500 randomly selected households in all states/regions of Myanmar. The survey was undertaken...
Regulatory sandboxes have become synonymous with fintech innovation and offer the unique benefit of providing the empirical evidence needed to substantiate decisions. This paper on Global Experiences from...
Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models are economy-wide simulation tools that can be very useful in answering the policy questions related to closing gender gaps. They allow us to estimate the contributions...
This Jobs Solutions Note identifies approaches for practitioners and policymakers to proactively adapt policies and development programs to accelerated technological change. Based on curated knowledge...
The Social Observatory Team at the World Bank conducted an impact evaluation of TRIPTI (Targeted Rural Initiatives for Poverty Termination and Infrastructure) in order to measure the effect of the project...
The launch of NRLM to address rural poverty marks a paradigm shift in poverty alleviation because unlike other programs that preceded it, the NRLM focuses on training and capacity building, and enabling...
How and why do the benefits of better transport differ between genders? A non-experimental impact evaluation of a large-scale rural roads project in Vietnam combined with qualitative data collection suggests...
Under the governance and anticorruption (GAC) strategy implementation, the GAC in operations work across regions has focused on three key areas: (a) identifying, managing, mitigating governance risks in...
Poverty estimates from household surveys are not available every year for most economies. To address these data gaps and to aggregate poverty estimates across groups of economies (and the world), adjustments...
Real GDP growth slowed to 3.1 percent in January-November 2018 from 3.7 percent in the same period of 2017. This deceleration was the result of slower growth in both gold production and non-gold industry...