This book sets forth a vision of health improvement that challenges African countries and their external partners to rethink current health strategies. The report stresses positive experiences in sub-Saharan...
Cet ouvrage présente une vision d’un système de santé amélioré qui met les pays africains et leurs partenaires extérieurs au défi de reconsidérer les stratégies suivies actuellement dans ce secteur. Le...
This report outlines an Emergency Assistance Program (EAP) of priority investments and technical assistance to the Occupied Territories (OT) over the three years 1994-1996. The program is intended to provide...
This book sets forth a vision of health improvement that challenges African countries and their external partners to rethink current health strategies. The report stresses positive experiences in sub-Saharan...
Cet ouvrage présente une vision d’un système de santé amélioré qui met les pays africains et leurs partenaires extérieurs au défi de reconsidérer les stratégies suivies actuellement dans ce secteur. Le...
This report presents brief analytic descriptions of recent economic performance and trends in individual developing countries for the majority of World Bank borrowing countries and economic and social...
Environmental degradation threatens the productivity of agricultural and forest resources on which developing countries depend for their economic growth. The problem is most pervasive in the poorest countries...
The slow pace of agricultural mechanization in Africa has long been a puzzle. This book begins to solve the puzzle by looking at the conditions in sub-Saharan Africa that have led to only sporadic use...
La lenteur du processus de mécanisation agricole en Afrique a toujours été déconcertante. Ce livre commence par expliquer ce phénomène en examinant les conditions qui prévalent en Afrique subsaharienne...
Vu les contraintes financières dont souffrent la plupart des pays en développement, il est essentiel de mettre au point et d’utiliser de nouvelles méthodes de financement de l’éducation pour assurer l’efficacité...
With the current constrained financial conditions in many developing countries, it is essential to develop and utilize new methods of financing education to ensure efficiency and greater social equity...
In Latin America - a region of abundant grasslands, skewed landholding patterns, and relatively low population densities - livestock products have been unusually important, both as exports and as consumer...
With the current constrained financial conditions in many developing countries, it is essential to develop and utilize new methods of financing education to ensure efficiency and greater social equity...
Secondary schools that offer prevocational courses in conjunction with traditional ones have flourished over the past decade in many developing countries. In fact, interest in these "diversified" schools...
In the early 1980s, Colombia's economic performance slowed. During 1983-84, when this study was completed, Colombia's external accounts were facing significant difficulties. Faced with growing balance...
In the early 1980s, Colombia's economic performance slowed. During 1983-84, when this study was completed, Colombia's external accounts were facing significant difficulties. Faced with growing balance...
Secondary schools that offer prevocational courses in conjunction with traditional ones have flourished over the past decade in many developing countries. In fact, interest in these "diversified" schools...
Centrally planned economies (CPEs) account for about a third of the world's population and about a fourth of its output. In view of their importance in the world economy, they need to be included in international...
This booklet examines the relative merits and limitations of various methods for measuring crop production on smallholder farms in agriculture and rural development projects. It focuses in particular on...
This study brings together reliable and consistent data on the mining sector. It analyzes tin mining activities over the past eighty years, and includes production and price data. It provides details about...