At first glance, most East Asian countries are only moderately sensitive to decreasing demand from the Eurozone. However, weak demand in Europe has a strong effect on Chinese exports, which depend on intermediate...
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth per worker slowed in most countries in East Asia after the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. In some countries (China, Indonesia and the Philippines) improvements in productivity...
While the agenda of policymaking during an economic downturn traditionally focuses on the need to support demand, past experience indicates that economic crises are an important catalyst for regulatory...
The risks of climate change and natural hazards complicate East Asia's quest for continuous rapid growth. The recent tragic earthquake in Japan with a magnitude 9.0, the most powerful in the country's...
The world is in the midst of a major demographic transition. Demographic transition in a country generally starts with a declining total fertility rate leading to an aging society coupled with an increasing...
The global economic and financial crisis did not result in dramatic labor market adjustments in East Asia in terms of employment loss and open unemployment unlike the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis ten...
The Pacific Islands include some of the smallest and most remote countries in the world. The population of these islands ranges from 12,000 in Tuvalu and 20,000 in Palau to 849,000 in Fiji and even the...
Over the last three decades, China's sustained rapid growth and outward-oriented economic policy have helped to transform the country, the region, and the world. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth...
Continued growth in Asia, combined with slow recovery and fiscal sustainability concerns in western economies and ample global liquidity has fuelled large capital inflows into region. This has lead to...
Higher and more volatile world grain prices are the new realities of today, and tomorrow. This note explores some of the steps East Asia needs to take to rise to the challenge this poses. Raising the level...
Mongolia is at the brink of a huge economic expansion as its vast mineral assets are exploited. Once production at the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine begins, and as output from the Tavan Tolgoi coal deposits is...
Inadequate access to finance is one of the key constraints to growth of small- and medium- enterprises (SMEs). Creditors report the absence of reliable information on SME performance and lack of collateral...
Roughly one out of every 10 people in the world today is a resident of a Chinese city. The United Nations projects that the number of Chinese urban dwellers will increase from over 622 million today to...
Faster growth in productivity will be the key driver of economic growth in East Asia, especially as demographics become less favorable. Innovation, that is the transmission, absorption and commercialization...
Inequality is on the rise in several countries in East Asia, most notably in China. The good news is that poverty declined rapidly at the same time. The bad news is that rising inequality is contributing...