The global clean and improved cooking solutions sector has evolved significantly in recent years. Clean and improved cooking solutions are also beginning to generate attractive market opportunities for...
Global economic growth, particularly from 2004 to 20071, has fueled an expansion in the construction of industrial, power plant, and manufacturing facilities in the United States and a dramatic escalation...
During the 90s, most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean Region (LCR) supported by the World Bank, implemented a market-oriented reform in the energy sector to promote competition, economic regulation...
This report is part of the Energy and Water Department's commitment to providing new techniques and knowledge which complement the direct investment and other assistance to electrification as provided...
Improving energy efficiency (EE) is one of the most promising approaches for achieving cost-effective global greenhouse gases (GHG) reductions. However, it is severely underrepresented in the Clean Development...
Au Cameroun, les modèles traditionnels de développement des services énergétiques, en particulier l’extension des réseaux électriques interconnectés, généralement financés par des fonds publics, ne suffiront...
The present report was prepared on the basis of the findings of an international workshop held from September 12-14, 2005, in Salvador da Bahia, and was attended by delegations of three to five practitioners...
The Uruguayan energy sector is at the crossroads. As in the case of many other countries, high oil prices in the international market are taking their toll on an economy which imports all of its oil and...
The purpose of this note is to assist policymakers by proposing a pragmatic and flexible program of change which will enable Turkey to develop a modernized gas market structure. The note is supportive...
Over the past two decades, the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) has financed several projects to assist Bolivia in the development of its energy sector, including the Bolivia Country...
Experts from the governments of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, who participated in this strategic study for the Southern Cone Gas Pipeline Networks, combined their efforts...
Au Sénégal, comme dans bon nombre de pays en développement, les zones rurales sont laissées pour compte tant en terme d’accès aux énergies modernes que d’utilisation de ces dernières. Cela est particulièrement...
Haiti suffers from a serious deterioration of its natural environment and, in particular, from a heavy pressure on its natural resources. The reasons for this deterioration are multiple (poverty level...
Haïti souffre d’une grave détérioration de son environnement naturel et, en particulier, d’importantes pressions sur ses ressources naturelles. Les raisons de cette détérioration sont multiples (pauvreté...
Seven million Peruvians - 23 percent of the country's population - lack access to modern energy services. Most of these residents are located in the Peruvian Amazon, where 95 percent of people have no...
Ce rapport traite de la réduction des coûts de l’électricité et de l’accès à l’énergie au Djibouti. Il comprend huit sections : Section 1 : Introduction. Section 2 : Description de la situation qui prévaut...
The World Bank, working together with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), actively supports the development of a regional power market in the GMS: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the Yunnan...
This paper aims to make an evaluation of the natural gas sector in Colombia and in order to make an analysis within the final project report (REDI) framework, it takes into account factors of analysis...
The level of electrification in sub-Saharan Africa is low, with less than 10 percent of the rural households having access to electricity. One of the key barriers to accelerating access is the high cost...
This report documents the experience of developing a green electricity scheme in Shanghai, China. It is intended to be a resource when replicating this effort in another city or country. The study consists...