This report is part of the Energy and Water Department's commitment to providing new techniques and knowledge which complement the direct investment and other assistance to electrification as provided...
Improving energy efficiency (EE) is one of the most promising approaches for achieving cost-effective global greenhouse gases (GHG) reductions. However, it is severely underrepresented in the Clean Development...
Au Sénégal, comme dans bon nombre de pays en développement, les zones rurales sont laissées pour compte tant en terme d’accès aux énergies modernes que d’utilisation de ces dernières. Cela est particulièrement...
Seven million Peruvians - 23 percent of the country's population - lack access to modern energy services. Most of these residents are located in the Peruvian Amazon, where 95 percent of people have no...
The overarching goal of this study, which forms part of the broader project 'Energy Use, Energy Supply, Sector Reform and the Poor', is to establish patterns in the ways poor people in Ghana are accessing...
The phenomenon of poverty has traditionally been measured based on the individual's income. However, more recently, the debate over poverty has evolved beyond income or lack of it. The condition in which...
The four studies in this technical paper series deal with complementary themes and propose solutions to the same problems that all of them perceive in the Mexican electricity sector - yet each paper looks...
Over two thirds of Nigeria's population resides in rural areas. Increasingly, poverty in the country is wearing a rural face. From 28.3 percent in 1980, poverty among the rural population grew to 51.4...
The World Bank's assistance was requested to conduct a Poverty and Social Impact Analysis assessing the direct and indirect impacts, as well as options for electricity pricing for the poor. Results of...
Honduras is the third poorest country in Latin America with a per capita GNI of US$920 in 2002. Nearly two-thirds of the population is poor and nearly half is extremely poor. During the last decade, inequality...
The main aim of this World Bank-ESMAP project has been to pave the way for picohydro to become accessible to low-income households in Ecuador, with the view to replicating the process in the Andean region...
This study presents the results of a survey and analysis of the data available on private participation in the power sector in the period 1990-2002, pointing to a series of preliminary findings, and identifies...
The Electricity Authority of Cambodia (EAC) is in its nascent stage of development. However, it has undertaken initial steps toward increasing public awareness of electricity regulation and issuing licenses...
The problems facing the fuel wood sector in Nicaragua can be summarized as follows: First, almost all harvest or production is based on non-sustainable forestry, with little or no regulation or enforcement...
From the outset state-owned enterprises (SOE) financial and economic performance generally failed to meet the expectations of their creators and funders. There were African SOEs that performed, at least...
This is a study of rural electrification in Chile, which discusses the types of electrification (including diesel-, photovoltaic panel-, and hydroelectric-generation), evolution of national and regional...
Liquid biofuels made from biomass are attracting increasing interest worldwide. Industrial countries see biofuels as a way of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the transport sector and diversifying...
This study's objective was to evaluate Energy Efficiency in Urban Water Utilities to test the common assumption that there existed an enormous energy reduction potential in the water utilities in the Former...
The World Bank is supporting a number of initiatives to rationalize the downstream oil sector of Sub-Saharan African countries. Such initiatives include the phasing-out of leaded gasoline (part of the...
There is now a strong foundation of good practice emerging from past and ongoing renewable energy (RE) projects, whether supported by the WBG or others, making it possible to develop and implement future...