Household fuel choice in the past, has often been analyzed and understood through the lens of the energy ladder model. This model places relatively heavy emphasis on household fuel switching in response...
The manual has been prepared to encourage, and support the design of improved village electrification schemes, anticipating its usefulness for rural development agencies, as well as for national, and provincial...
The report summarizes discussions of the technical workshop on Uganda's power sector reform and regulation strategy, whose objectives were to assist the country's Power Sector Reform Committee in assessing...
The main objective of this study was to determine the market potential for photo-voltaic systems in the remote areas of China, particularly in villages without access to grid electricity. A number of photo-voltaic...
The study reviews the active market for photo-voltaic (PV) solar home systems (SHSs) in Kenya, with cumulative sales in excess of 100,000 units, and current sales of approximately 20,000 modules per year...