The Mid-Term Review (MTR) evaluates the World Bank Group's (WBG) Vietnam Debt Resolution Program (Vietnam DR) activities and results from September 17, 2013 to June 30, 2016. The objective of the Vietnam...
The Philippines Agribusiness Program (2013-2017) supports the government of Philippines in its effort to improve the productivity and the competiveness of Filipino farmers and the agribusiness sector in...
The IFC established the Sustainable Energy Finance (SEF) program with the aim of developing and catalyzing local financing markets for sustainable energy projects. The program provided for an advisory...
Public-Private Dialogues (PPDs) are known to convene policy makers, regulators, administrators and private sector participants to the same table and collaboratively address particularly stubborn issues...
The Environment and Social Risk Management (ESRM) program is an IFC initiative funded by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) of the Government of Switzerland. The program’s goal is to catalyze...
The Mid-Term Review (MTR) evaluates International Finance Corporation (IFC) East Asia Pacific Financial Infrastructure Development Program (FIDP) activities and results from January 2012 through the end...
Firms, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs) state that access to credit is one of the main constraints on their growth. The theoretical literature on credit information emphasizes that information...
The China Utility-Based Energy Efficiency Finance Program (CHUEE) was launched in 2006 to stimulate investment in energy efficiency (EE) and renewable energy (RE) projects by supporting financial institutions...
Ecogreen is an oleochemicals manufacturing company that processes palm kernel oil and coconut oil to produce fatty acids, fatty alcohols, and glycerine. These products are used in detergents, soaps, and...
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) launched the IFC SSA Leasing (or Africa Leasing Facility or ALF) in January 2008 to introduce and promote the role of leasing as an innovative and alternative...
IFC Advisory Services, in accordance with donor agreements and internal monitoring and evaluation requirements, has commissioned Dalberg Global Development Advisors (Dalberg) to conduct an independent...
International Finance Corporation (IFC) Russia residential energy efficiency program (RREEP) addresses the great need for EE in the Russian Federation’s residential housing sector, which is the second...
The economic zones are a 5-year investment climate project ending June 30, 2013 supported by the International Finance Corporation. The key objectives of the project were to assist the Government of Bangladesh...
The African schools Kenya (ASK) program is an initiative of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), through the private enterprise partnerships for Africa (PEP Africa) program. The program provides...
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are a key priority of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) given their importance in growing economies. To effectively support the growth of SMEs requires an...
Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund (BICF) provides advisory services aimed at improving business operating environment in Bangladesh. BICF is managed by IFC, in partnership with the UK Government and the...
This document is a report on the findings from the qualitative and quantitative research conducted by IMRB International for IFC. IFC, a member of the World Bank Group is helping the Commercial tax department...
An African Country Emergent Farmers Programme (the Programme) supported Emergent farmers through commercial provision of financial and non-financial services. In 2008 to 2009, IFC undertook a pilot project...
The South Asia Enterprise Development Facility II (SEDF II), promoted and managed by International Finance Corporation (IFC), aims to enhance the performance, competitiveness and sustainable growth of...
PT South Pacific viscose (SPV) is one of the world’s largest low-cost producers of high quality viscose staple fiber, a biodegradable fiber that is traditionally used as a cotton substitute for its superior...