The September 2020 update to PovcalNet mainly involves the adoption of the revised 2011 PPPs for the estimation of global poverty. In addition, the coverage rules for reporting regional and global poverty...
Type de document: Document de travail
Numéro du rapport: 152802
Date du document: 1 septembre 2020
Mode de publication: Disclosed
Auteur: Castaneda Aguilar,Raul Andres,Fujs,Tony Henri Mathias Jany,Jolliffe,Dean Mitchell,Lakner,Christoph,Mahler,Daniel Gerszon,Nguyen,Minh Cong,Schoch,Marta,Vargas Mogollon,David L.,Viveros Mendoza,Martha Celmira,Tetteh Baah,Samuel Kofi,Yonzan,Nishant,Yoshida,Nobuo