Imagery data offer the potential to answer critical questions regarding the relevance and effectiveness of development initiatives, providing a factual basis for decisionmaking and the refinement of policies...
This resource discusses the use of machine learning (ML) techniques in evaluation research and their potential to automate the process of extracting and classifying large amounts of texts. ML methods can...
This resource discusses the use of structured literature reviews (SLR) in evaluations towards promoting transparency and trust in the reporting and use of evidence. Structured literature reviews aim to...
Geographically disaggregated poverty data are vital for better understanding development issues and ensuring development efforts are directed to the places where they are most needed. Poverty has traditionally...
IEG’s meta-evaluation serves as an input for the upcoming independent external review of its evaluations. The report focuses on aspects of credibility related to the rationale, focus, use of innovative...
This pilot study tests the applicability, usefulness, and added value of using AI for advanced theory-based content analysis within the framework of IEG’s thematic evaluations. Using a set of interventions...
This paper describes how a panel of global experts on renewable energy (RE) was convened to anticipate the major opportunities and challenges facing the scale-up of RE to meet sustainable development and...
This paper uses Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) to validate the theory of change developed for an evaluation of renewable energy strategies, identifying pathways for scaling up RE in a variety of...
The World Bank Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) works to improve development results through excellence in evaluation. A key part of this mandate focuses on developing the Bank’s client countries’ capacities...
This guide provides practica l guidance on program classification, that is, on how to define programs and their constituent elements under a program budgeting system. Program budgeting is the most widespread...
The Bangalore Citizen Report Card (CRC), pioneered by the Public Affairs Centre (PAC), provides an assessment of the satisfaction levels of citizens with regard to public services in Bangalore and ranks...