The Andean region of Puno, known as the altiplano, is located at 3,830 meters above sea level. The terrain is prone to flooding, and thus difficult to cultivate. In order to deal with this situation, Andean...
Soil fertility never used to be a major constraint due to the age-old practices of recycling agricultural residues in several ways. However, in these days of inorganic fertilizers and quick returns, the...
In early 2006, the program asked for feedback on the IK Notes series (see 36060) and to assess whether they had made contributions to reader's work. The focus of the survey was on readers' perceptions...
This notes paper touches on Ethiopia's being one of nine countries Involvement in the international network PROLINNOVA (Promoting Local Innovation). The Ethiopian program set up multi-stakeholder teams...
The inventive and creative processes of communities are often collective and the use of information, ideas and resources generated on the basis of such collective processes are broadly shared. Therefore...
In collaboration with partners, the World Agro-forestry Centre established a number of fruit processing groups in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi and Tanzania. These groups are actively involved in the processing...
The issues of medical plant conservation have been the focus of many formal and informal discussions at national and international forums, seminars, workshops, conferences and congresses in the last 10...
La réserve naturelle de Ker Cupaam est située le long de la côte atlantique du Sénégal, un fragment d’une ancienne forêt nationale, essentiellement pour la protection des espèces en voie de disparition...
The paper reported that to increase the effectiveness of healthcare as well as to alleviate poverty in the poorest parts of the world, the symposium participants recommended urgent attention to three principles:...
The note reviews Madagascar's inherited wealth of ethno-medical knowledge, being endowed with a flora of unique global importance on account of its biodiversity, endemicity, and ethno-medical uses. The...
The present edition of IK Notes asks the reader to provide feedback, and assess the contribution the publication has made to their related work. The intention is to learn about perceptions of IK Notes...
Dans ce numéro de IK Notes, nous demandons à nos lecteurs de nous donner leurs impressions et, en même temps, d’évaluer la contribution ou l’impact de cette publication dans leur travail. L’intention est...
In virtually all societies, the managers of indigenous knowledge (IK) systems that deal with the development, care and well-being of women and children are senior women, or grandmothers. In that function...
Most recent African indigenous knowledge (IK) literature, especially in agriculture, emphasizes that Africans are informed innovators. This literature is filled with success stories; excellent examples...
La littérature la plus récente sur les connaissances autochtones (CA) africaines, particulièrement dans le domaine de l’agriculture, souligne que les Africains sont des innovateurs avisés. Cette littérature...
Indigenous knowledge (IK) can act as a powerful tool in a learning environment to teach students. Conventional curricula, and achievement tests in many countries, however, do not support students' learning...
Les savoirs locaux (IK) peuvent être un outil puissant d’apprentissage pour les élèves. Toutefois, les cursus conventionnels et les tests de connaissances dans bon nombre de pays ne soutiennent pas un...
Le principal objectif de cet article est de présenter le nugormesese comme un mécanisme indigène de capital social à Buem-Kator, une communauté agricole du Ghana située à la frontière avec le Togo. Le...
The primary objective of this article is to present nugormesese as an indigenous mechanism of social capital in Buem-Kator, a farming community on the Ghana side of the Ghana-Togo border area. The concept...
En 2004, neuf programmes nationaux affiliés à PROLINNOVA (promotion de l’innovation locale pour l’agriculture orientée vers l’écologie et la gestion des ressources naturelles) ont examiné comment l’innovation...