The Indonesian manufacturing sector experienced a 'lost decade' in the aftermath of the Asian financial crisis. While many believe that the sector is now in inexorable decline, this note argues that there...
Relying on firm-level data from Statistik Industri this note analyzes the evolution of productivity dynamics of Indonesian firms over the past 20 years (1990-2009). Economy-wide and sectoral productivity...
Well-functioning markets, adequate infrastructure and simple and clearly defined regulations are some of the characteristics of a growth-enhancing business climate. In Indonesia, some of these elements...
The performance of Indonesia's manufacturing sector has lagged over the past decade. This is seen in the decline in growth after the Asian financial crisis, by the sector's decline relative to other sectors...
The importance of the agglomeration process in facilitating growth and productivity increases in Indonesia's manufacturing sector cannot be ignored. The agglomeration process is associated with improved...
Is Indonesia's manufacturing sector still relevant for growth and development? As a result of the last boom in global commodity prices between 2003 and 2008, resources in Indonesia shifted towards commodities...