New technologies in the mineral sector have dramatically improved mine health and safety as well as making possible control of water and air pollution. Improved communication and transport have stimulated...
This working paper provides a comprehensive overview of the status of world steam coal production and use. It reviews current reserves and forecasts, production, consumption, and pricing. The issues that...
Deforestation and the extensive use of wood fuels have raised concern about the future price of wood fuels in developing nations. Although wood is a renewable resource, population growth has caused a decline...
This paper presents the key considerations for managing the risks of investments in developing countries. These considerations are important for the assistance strategies of the World Bank and other official...
Power sytem planners must determine type and timing of major investments in the presence of great uncertainty in future values of major planning parameters. Furthermore, power investment decisions are...
Ever since electric power was generated, pricing of electricity proved to be a thorny issue. Thanks to the inputs of professional economists who did not enter the debate until the 1910s, there are two...
The dramatic growth of urban populations in developing countries has caused a rise in the demand for energy, food, water, and other resources. The growing number of people living in urban areas of developing...
This paper reviews the principal institutional, economic/financial, and technical issues related to energy sector rehabilitation and development which the countries of Central and Eastern Europe face in...
A fundamental proposition of modern economics is that to the extent that the prices of goods and services are established through exchanges in well-functioning markets, efficient allocations are likely...
Carbon dioxide (CO2) accounts for 55% of the buildup of greenhouse gases based on radiative equivalence and atmospheric residence time. The most important emitters of CO2 are fossil fuels and deforestation...
This paper points out the importance of woody and non-woody biomass from an energy perspective in developing countries. It then considers the dearth of reliable data on the standing stock and sustainable...
The household energy sector is the largest of all energy consuming subsectors in most developing countries. Households account for 40%-80% of total energy use, mainly dpeending on the level of development...
This report summarizes a two-year study of the major problems found in diesel power plants in 17 developing countries, explores in some detail the causes of these problems, and suggests possible solutions...
This report was prepared as a guideline for use by Bank staff and consultants on power generating projects which employ large diesel engines as prime movers. It explains the characteristics and comparative...
A methodology is presented for the regional assessment of small scale hydroelectric potential which covers procedures for both new sites where no developments currently exist and existing sites such as...
This report identifies and analyzes the issues and options involved in the design of electricity export contracts. A well-designed contract is an important component of realizing the objectives of inter-utility...
The objective of these studies is to provide a precise compendium of factual, up-to-date information on the aspects of nuclear power that are needed in sector reviews of countries with existing or planned...
This paper addresses the problem of irreversibility of investments, a topic related to the recently evolving "real options" literature. In the presence of alternatives, the opportunity to invest in a large...
This working paper comprises a compilation of one-page data sheets summarizing the available power sector data for the year 1988 for 100 developing countries. It is intended to be a ready reference for...
Burgeoning urban populations and incessant rural land clearing threaten the sustainability of supply of charcoal, the principal urban cooking fuel of sub-Saharan Africa and much of the Third World. Supply...