Fragile and conflict-affected situations might appear incapable of attracting significant flows of foreign investment due to their often negative international images and weak enabling environments. However...
As the use of e-fi ling of tax returns has spread from developed to developing
countries, it has been clear that this sort of reform can reduce errors and opportunities for corruption. Also, it has...
Global investment promotion best practices (GIPB) assess how well national investment promotion intermediaries (IPIs) from 189 countries attract investment. The assessment is carried out by a review of...
The drop in foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the past three to four years stems in part from the aftermath of the recent global economic crisis...
The report's main objective is to provide policy makers, regulators, and the private sector, primarily in emerging economies and developing countries, with a tool for enforcing international best practice...
The private sector, through investment and job creation, plays a crucial role in a country's fight against poverty. Where an effective private sector is lacking, business registration reform has been shown...
Political risk has once again become a key concern of investors after the perceived openness and liberalization of foreign direct investment (FDI) regimes in the 1990s. Governments that do not recognize...
Renewable energy is a viable, cost-effective way to provide power to rural and remote areas, lower electricity generation costs over time, and reduce costly power outages. Renewable energy technologies...
Governments are revamping their processes for business registration, which can help improve the competitiveness of their investment climates and drive growth in formally registered firms. Company registrars...
The World Bank Group's global investment promotion benchmarking 2009 report found that nearly three-quarters of countries are missing out on much of the $1 trillion annual market for foreign direct investment...
Despite Egypt's significant economic reforms over the past years and the country's relatively advanced judicial system, contract enforcement remains one of the main bottlenecks in business operations...
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) projects sponsored by International Finance Centre (IFC) have been established in 16 countries. These projects have adopted different models and approaches best suited...
Settling a commercial dispute in Pakistan is known to be a slow and unsatisfactory process which stunts the growth of the private sector and discourages investment. The pilot's main objective was to foster...
The purpose of these guidelines is to inform those carrying out a project that is financed in whole or in part by a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), a credit...
The purpose of these guidelines is to inform those carrying out a project that is financed in whole or in part by a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), a credit...
The purpose of these guidelines is to inform those carrying out a project that is financed in whole or in part by a loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), a credit...
Strategic communications is used to build support and local ownership for reform initiatives while diffusing stakeholder opposition. It addresses the critical 'people' side of the reform process by fostering...
Tax policy is an important tool for attracting investment and spurring growth in mining a valuable industry. This note examines the implications of tax policy from the perspectives of governments and investors...
A good investment climate for tourism, underpinned by a sound tax regime, can play a central role in a government's growth and development strategy. Yet in many countries, tax systems for the tourism sector...
Simple, fast, transparent customs clearance procedures encourage trade-and the resulting tariffs and related taxes raise government revenue and stimulate economic development. After outsourcing failed...