Bangladesh has maintained an impressive track record on growth and development. However, even with a growing economy there is still widespread poverty and underemployment motivating many Bangladeshis to...
The Second Phase of Scaling Up Nutrition Investments Annual Report presents the continuation of the second phase of a three-phased program between the Government of Japan and the World Bank to support...
Indonesia’s biodiversity and cultural diversity are among what make it unique among the nations of the world. Out of more than one thousand government identified ethnic groups, roughly two hundred and...
Mongolian general education system reform started in 2005 to extend it from 10 years to 12 years to align it with international standards. Since the SY 2008-2009, early childhood education (ECE) has been...
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) Program is unlike other trust funds managed by the World Bank Group (WBG). JSDF financed projects focus on addressing the multi-dimensional aspects of poverty...
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) Program is unlike other trust funds managed by the World Bank Group (WBG). JSDF financed projects focus on addressing the multi-dimensional aspects of poverty...
This report presents the achievements and results of the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) in fiscal year 2015. JSDF-financed activities continue to reach the poorest and most vulnerable in World Bank...
This report presents the achievements and results of the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) in fiscal year 2015. JSDF-financed activities continue to reach the poorest and most vulnerable in World Bank...
Established in 2000, the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) is a partnership between the government of Japan (GoJ) and the World Bank Group (WBG). It is designed to provide grant assistance to initiatives...
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) was established in 2000 as a collaboration between the Government of Japan (GoJ) and the World Bank to address the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. The...
The World Bank Group has two main goals. The first is to end extreme poverty by 2030, and the second is to boost shared prosperity. This means guaranteeing that everyone reaps the benefits of economic...
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) was established in 2000 as a collaboration between the Government of Japan (GoJ) and the World Bank to address the Asian financial crisis of the late 1990s. The...
The purpose of this Introducing innovative arts-based education to displaced and violence-affected communities grant is to improve the quality of life of young people in the poorest zones of the District...
The objective of the Pilot Community Driven Development Project is to: (i) develop new/innovative types of social services in Moldova and use the lessons learned to further inform the Government policy...
Justice sector reforms implemented over the last decade have made Jordan a regional leader in improving service delivery. The Ministry of Justice made improving access to justice a priority under its 2010-2012...
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) was established in 2000 as collaboration between the government of Japan (GoJ) and the World Bank to address the Asian financial crisis of the 1990s. The fund was...
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) was established in 2000 as collaboration between the government of Japan (GoJ) and the World Bank to address the Asian financial crisis of the 1990s. The fund was...
The Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF), administered by the World Bank, provided a grant aimed at improving accessibility and accountability of the justice system in two of the poorest and most vulnerable...
The Social and Economic Empowerment for Women in Mining and Petroleum Areas grant aims to improve the livelihood and quality of life for the poorest women and their families in 16 selective communities...
The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago in South-East Asia with more than 7,000 islands. The Philippines has an average population of 101,833,938 (2011 Index Mundi) and the numbers keep on growing...