As part of preparation of the El Salvador Basic Education Modernization Project, a social assessment (SA) was carried out between November 1994 and February 1995 to identify the project's major benefits...
The objective of the Rural Municipalities Project is to improve the management of natural resources to alleviate rural poverty by (a) improving the capacity of national and local institutions to make and...
This note is based on experiences from World Bank projects in Latin America, and/or other regions, as well as from contributions made by social science teams/agencies who dealt with resettlement issues...
This paper builds on available literature about the informal sector and environmental policymaking. Its goal is to raise awareness about urban informal sector contamination and to establish an initial...
This note focuses on the social assessment, undertaken as part of the preparation of the Basic Education Modernization Project in El Salvador, to identify the stakeholders, and major benefits, and risks...
This note examines broad questions of environmental institution building, focusing on basic elements that help explain an institution's success, possibly, applicable as well, to environmental government...
This note contains the results of the early experiences in Latin America, in fostering people's participation in environmental assessments (EA), and recommends best practices to be utilized, to improve...
This note complements previous attempts at setting regional, and national priorities for bio-diversity conservation in the Latin America and Caribbean region. Based on a tiered analysis, the note focuses...
This note reviews the Latin American experience in forestry ecosystems, and reveals the technical feasibility of improved natural forest management, but also exposes the major constraints to its implementation...
This note reviews the economic, social, and political welfare of indigenous peoples in Latin America, and examines the environmental aspects of the region's economic development, as priorities for the...
This note aims at explaining why sustainable natural forest management, is rarely observed in the Latin America and Caribbean region, even though this sustainability is a declared governments' goal. Private...
In attempting to meet both ecological and economic goals, related with the establishment and management of protected areas, countries find themselves struggling with conflicts often associated with it...
The study analyzes the evidence examined on the recent frequency, and severity of flooding in the Parana/Paraguay basin. Indeed, it indicates that over the last ten-year period, flood discharge rates are...
According to recent statistics, Latin America and the Caribbean is one of the most urbanized regions in the world, with the urban population expected to reach 80 percent by the year 2020. The author reviews...
This note questions why sustainable development models are not being adopted widely, for, only few examples of sustainable, Amazon frontier resource management, can be identified, with barely, few extractive...
This note reviews evidence on the economic viability of new settlers in the Amazon region, and examines data on characteristics of early vs. new settlements, farm turnover, and land abandonment. The first...
The growing worldwide interest in the problems of global warming, and the emission of greenhouse gases, has led to a search for innovative ways to reduce carbon emissions. International trade, based on...