Cette note de politique consolide les points saillants d'une étude financée par le Programme de Protection Sociale Adaptative du Sahel (SASPP), explorant le rôle et l'opérationnalisation des registres...
This policy note consolidates the highlights of a study funded by the Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Program (SASPP), exploring the role and operationalization of dynamic social registries in low-income...
This note is designed to be read alongside the companion policy note on electronic signatures, which explains the role of PKI in implementing cryptographically secured digital signatures within a national...
In recent years, violent conflict has spiked significantly, affecting low-income countries in particular, and shaping an increasingly complex fragility landscape. By 2030, over half of the world’s extreme...
The World Bank’s Gender Strategy (2024-2030) aims to tackle both formal and informal barriers to gender inequality, including power imbalances that often affect women and girls disproportionally. To achieve...
Trust lies at the foundation of all commercial and administrative transactions, which for centuries have relied upon the handwritten signature for authentication. As transactions are digitalized, the signatures...
Population mobility in the Sahel is a multifaceted phenomenon. Economic factors play an important role, with many seeking better livelihoods, higher wages, and improved living standards in response to...
Gender significantly impacts health outcomes, influencing lifestyle, well-being, and healthcare access throughout a person’s life. Bridging gender gaps in health can enhance human capital and ensure equitable...
Alors que l’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de multiples défis, notamment à des conflits liés à l’utilisation des terres, à l’urbanisation rapide souvent non planifiée et au changement climatique...
Alors que l’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de multiples défis, notamment à des conflits liés à l’utilisation des terres, à l’urbanisation rapide souvent non planifiée et au changement climatique...
Alors que l’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de multiples défis, notamment à des conflits liés à l’utilisation des terres, à l’urbanisation rapide souvent non planifiée et au changement climatique...
L’Afrique subsaharienne est confrontée à de nombreux défis, notamment les conflits fonciers, l’urbanisation rapide et souvent anarchique et le changement climatique. Il est donc nécessaire de comprendre...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
As Sub-Saharan Africa deals with multiple challenges, including land use conflicts, rapid and often unplanned urbanization, and climate change, there is a need to understand how improved tenure security...
Fragility, conflict, and violence (FCV) significantly impact women and girls, exacerbating gender-based violence and limiting access to rights and services due to weakened institutions. Positive changes...
The World Bank is the largest external financier of education worldwide. This note examines trends in girls’ education and spotlights interventions that support girls’ education. Key takeaways include...
Convergence is the merging or coming together of separate elements. In the realm of social protection, this translates into the effective coordination and alignment of different humanitarian and development...
Transport services and infrastructure can be enablers or deterrents for women’s empowerment. Transport-related barriers, such as availability, affordability, acceptability, physical access, safety, and...