The adverse impacts of natural disasters and climate change constitute a major risk to the poor and near-poor. Poor men and women face disproportionately higher risks from these events because of their...
Disaster and climate related events exacerbate chronic and transitory poverty because poor and near-poor people have fewer coping and recovery mechanisms. In vulnerable countries, the increase in frequency...
The choice of targeting methods for a particular social program depends on the objective of the program and the particular country’s circumstances and experience. Literature suggests that three methods...
Having in place flexible benefit mechanisms which can provide timely and appropriate levels and types of benefits following disasters and climate change related events is critical. Doing so ensures that...
Developing and low-income countries around the world have been unable to provide old-age income security to all through contributory pensions. Neither reforms to pension systems nor general growth and...
For social protection spe¬cialists, effective stake¬holder communication takes on a heightened importance in the post disaster context. By definition, the socially marginalized are among the most vulnerable...
Early integration of disaster risk management/climate change adaptation criteria into social protection programs’ monitoring and evaluation plans, systems, and budgets allows for more effective capture...