South Asia’s growth rate has returned to pre-pandemic levels. However, the uneven recovery from the pandemic has left countries in South Asia with multiple policy challenges, which are exacerbated by the...
South Asia region’s economies continue on a recovery path, with production and export having recovered to pre-COVID trend levels. But the recovery has been uneven across countries and sectors, and significant...
The COVID-19 pandemic, which is still impacting South Asia, has temporarily brought the region to a near standstill. Governments proactively stabilized activity through monetary easing, fiscal stimulus...
The unprecedented COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis comes with a dire economic outlook. South Asia might well experience its worst economic performance in 40 years. The harsh reality of inequality in South...
South Asia remained the fastest growing region in the world last year, but growth remained driven by domestic demand – and not exports – which resulted in another year of double-digit volume growth of...
South Asia remains the fastest-growing region in the world and its performance has strengthened further. The external environment, while remaining conducive, has become more turbulent. Monetary policy...
South Asia is again the fastest growing region in the world, albeit not by a wide margin. The rebound was led by India, whose growth rate picked up in the second half of 2017 after five consecutive quarters...
This South Asia Country brief discusses about the economic development of Maldives as of 2018. Growth and a pick-up in tourism are expected to continue to drive growth. The government has succeeded in...
The Government started several large infrastructure projects to allowthe population to move from small, vulnerable islands to Greater Malé.To make space for these investments, the government is reducing...
This South Asia Country brief discusses about the economic development of Maldives as of 2017. The government started a number of large infrastructure projects to allow the population to move from small...
South Asia remains the fastest growing region in the world. With a strong performance in the eastern part of the region – in particular in Bhutan, Bangladesh and India – the region defied disappointing...
Construction has taken over tourism as the main driver ofgrowth since late 2014, the latter affected by a decline in tourist arrivals from Russia and China. The medium term fiscal plan is anchored by large...
South Asia shows continued resilience in the face of turbulent international markets, maintaining its spot as the fastest-growing region in the world. Growth performance is especially solid in India, which...
This South Asia Country brief discusses about the economic development of Maldives as of 2016. The tourism sector had been hit hard by the slowdown in China and Russia and domestic unrest. The medium-term...
South Asia has benefitted from low oil prices and has proved resilient to the recent turmoil in international markets. The region’s growth prospects are strong and India confirms its position as the fastest-growing...
Economic growth continued its recovery from the 2012 dip, while inflation has slowed down, although recent political developments present a downside risk. The dominant tourism industry is operating on...
This South Asia Country brief discusses about the economic development of Maldives as of 2015. Economic growth of continued its recovery from the 2012 dip, while inflation has slowed down, although recent...
An uneven recovery and diverging monetary policy across major developed countries remain a challenge for developing and emerging market economies. But plunging oil prices bring in real income shifts and...
South Asia experienced a strong cyclical rebound in 2013Q3 growth but has since slowed again. The strong regional growth performance between July and September 2013 can be largely attributed to a temporary...
This South Asia Country brief discusses about the economic development of Maldives as of 2014. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth was projected to rise to 4.5 percent in 2014 with likely improved performance...