Dans un contexte d’urbanisation rapide et d’expansion de la pauvreté urbaine en Afrique, une grande partie de la population connaît des difficultés pour satisfaire ses besoins de mobilité et subit, au...
Cette note passe en revue les objectifs, programmes, impacts et leçons tirées de l’opération de trois conseils nationaux de construction créés à ce jour en Tanzanie, au Malawi et en Zambie. Les conseils...
The note reviews the objectives, programs, impact and lessons learned from the operations of the three National Construction Councils (NCCs) established to date - in Tanzania, Malawi and Zambia. The Councils...
The road sector is going through a period of substantial change. Countries have to keep pace with expanding demand for road infrastructure as well as addressing the backlog of maintenance and its underlying...
Le secteur des routes traverse une période d’importants changements. Les pays doivent être en mesure de répondre à la demande de plus en plus grande pour des infrastructures routières ainsi que de faire...
This note summarizes the methodology, challenges and lessons learned in the planning, management and organization of the Contracting Training Program (CTP) in Lesotho. The Contractor Training Program (CTP)...
This note summarizes challenges, responses and lessons learned by two World Bank supported projects addressing HIV/AIDS in the road sector. These are: The Joint Regional HIV/AIDS Project in the Abidjan...
Over the past ten years or so, the road sector has undergone major reforms in a number of Sub-Saharan African countries. This process has been encouraged by the donor community, especially through the...
Over the past ten years or so, the road sector has undergone major reforms in a number of Sub-Saharan African countries. This process has been encouraged by the donor community, especially through the...
The note highlights the conclusions of the study on Urban Air Quality in Cotonou, carried out in 2000. The purpose of the study was to identify the major source of air pollution in the city, and quantify...
La note souligne les conclusions de l'étude sur la qualité de l'air urbain à Cotonou, réalisée en 2000. Le but de cette étude était d'identifier la principale source de pollution atmosphérique dans la...
This note is based on the Road Management Initiative (RMI) Country Coordinator for Kenya, Mr. F.N. Nyangaga's progress report, presented to the World Road Congresses in Kuala Lumpur, 1999. The RMI has...
The note is based on a review of experience with the operation of second-generation Road Funds in Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, and Zambia. Findings of this review are based on an assessment of the structure...
The technical note presents an evaluation of time series for vehicle fleet statistics, available in the Road Management Initiative (RMI) road sector database, and quantifies their relationship with the...
This technical note introduces the recently developed Road Management Initiative (RMI) road sector database. Building upon the results of the RMI road sector survey in forty-seven Sub-Saharan African (SSA)...
Cette note analyse l’organisation, la rentabilité et le financement des services privés de transport en commun à Abidjan, en mettant l’accent sur les entreprises privées qui gèrent une flotte de minibus...
This technical note presents a road user charges model, developed by the Bank, and, gives an overview of the objectives, structure, and results of the model by taking as an example a hypothetical road...
Cette note analyse l’organisation, la rentabilité et le financement des services privés de transport en commun à Abidjan, en mettant l’accent sur les entreprises privées qui gèrent une flotte de minibus...
This overview of the road transport sector in Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, includes an analysis of current status, and developments since 1989, and examines forty seven countries in four regions:...
In August 1996, the Heads of State of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) signed the Protocol on Transport, Communications and Meteorology, which sets a broad framework of regional cooperation...