The Economic Development Institute (EDI), in partnership with the University of Maryland Business School conducted a core course on infrastructure finance in Washington, D.C., from June 15-26, 1998. A...
The primary goal of the World Bank Institute Governance, Regulation and Finance unit's (WBIGF) governance program is to help countries to develop effective programs to improve the governance of their public...
A regional workshop on microfinance for East Asia and the Pacific was held in Manila, Philippines, from March 20 to 24, 2000. The four and a half day workshop aimed at bringing together microfinance practitioners...
The broad objective of the Political Economy of the Environment (PEE) program is to equip African professionals from the public and private sectors, non-government organizations (NGOs), academia and journalistic...
The broad objective of the World Bank Institute's (WBI's) Macroeconomic and Financial Management (MFM) program is to help economists from client countries and multilateral organizations integrate the lessons...
The Governance, Regulation and Finance Division (WBIGF) of the World Bank Institute teamed with the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) in conducting a seminar training program...
In the first four months of calendar year 1999, the World Bank Institute Knowledge and Products (WBIKP) Division offered three renditions of its core course on economics and business journalism. Participants...
The Governance, Regulation and Finance Division (WBIGF) of the World Bank Institute, in collaboration with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) centre for private sector development...
The Economic Policy and Poverty Reduction Group of World Bank Institute (WBIEP) conducted a core course on economic growth in Washington, D.C. from January 20-21, 1999. This is the third offering of this...
The Governance, Regulation and Finance Division of the World Bank Institute (WBIGF) conducted a core course on fundamentals of infrastructure project finance for South Asia in Goa, India, from January...
The Governance, Regulation and Finance Division of the World Bank Institute (WBIGF) conducted a core course on competition policy in Washington, D.C., from December 13-18, 1998. This was the first training...
The Economic Policy and Poverty Reduction Division of The World Bank Institute (WBIEP) conducted a core course on economic growth and poverty reduction: theory, evidence, and implications for Central Asia...
The Regulatory Reform and Private Enterprise Division of World Bank Institute (WBIRP) conducted a core course on building knowledge and expertise in infrastructure finance in Beirut, Lebanon from December...
The environment and natural resources division of The World Bank Institute conducted a core course on policy and institutional reform for sustainable development in Washington, D.C., from December 7-11...
The Economic Policy and Poverty Reduction Division of The World Bank Institute conducted a core course on macroeconomic management: new methods and current policy issues three in Washington, D.C., from...
The Governance, Regulation and Finance Division of World Bank Institute (WBIRP) conducted a core course on privatization and regulation of transport services in Washington, D.C., from September 20-26...
The Economic Policy and Poverty Reduction Division of World Bank Institute (WBIEP) conducted a core course on economic growth and poverty reduction: theory, evidence, and implications for South Asia in...
The Governance, Regulation and Finance Division of the World Bank Institute (WBIGF) conducted a core course on global reform and privatization of public enterprises in Washington, D.C., from November 1-13...
The macroeconomic management new methods and current policy issues in Abidjan, Ivory Coast from 5-15, 1998 was the fourth offering of the macroeconomic management series in 1998, following the courses...
The Environment and Natural Resources Division of Economic Development Institute (EDIEN), in collaboration with the Institutional and Social Policy unit of the Africa region of the World Bank (AFR/ISP)...