This is the second in a series of three technical briefs produced by the World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Global Practice to share results of a multi-country data harmonization exercise concerning forcibly...
Forced displacement is a development challenge and disproportionately affects developing countries and their populations. This brief builds on a data harmonization exercise to describe elements that are...
This is the third in a series of three technical briefs produced by the World Bank’s Poverty and Equity Global Practice to share results of a multi-country data harmonization exercise concerning forcibly...
The January research newsletter features the topic "Taxation and Technology: Case Studies in E-Government." This newsletter's featured research utilizes experiments from Tajikistan and Liberia to illustrate...
The SEDLAC harmonization project includes a categorical ethnicity variable for each country when it is possible to classify individuals by ethnic groups in the household survey. This harmonized ethnicity...
In FY2021, the LAC TSD started to include the mitigation measures into the regional microsimulation as one of the natural extensions of the model. A fourth channel of transmission was applied to the regional...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: COVID-19 and vaccination update; employment and income loss;...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: COVID-19 and vaccination update; employment and income loss;...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: COVID-19 and vaccination update; employment and income loss;...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: knowledge of COVID-19 and prevention; income loss; access...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: Covid-19 and vaccination update; employment; education and...
The Socioeconomic Database for Latin America and the Caribbean (SEDLAC) is a database of harmonized socio-economic statistics constructed from Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) household surveys. The...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: Covid-19 update; employment; well-being and food security;...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: Covid-19 update; employment; Covid-19 impact on persons with...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: employment; Covid-19 update; education; and remittances and...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: employment and income loss; Covid-19 vaccine; perception...
This note uses data from the High Frequency Survey on the COVID-19 Impacts on Households to derive results. It briefly addresses the following: employment and income loss; business sector; and perception...
This is the first of four snapshot reports presenting preliminary findings from the Early Childhood Education Study. The ECE Study was initiated to evaluate the Early Childhood Education Project in Lao...
This newsletter includes the following headings. News are organized in alphabetical order by region and country.