This report investigates the case of a Korean public-private matching grant program called the Tech Incubator Program for Startup (TIPS). Launched in 2013, the program provides a package of support to...
대한민국은 한국전쟁 이후 놀라운 경제 발전을 경험했습니다. 1953년 1인당 국내총생산이 67달러에 불과했던 한국은 60년만에 원조 수혜국에서 고소득 국가로 발돋움했습니다. 1960년 1,027달러였던 1인당 국내총생산이 2021년에는 32,730달러로 빠르게 증가했습니다. 지난 10년 동안 동아태 지역은 엄청난 경제성장과 발전을 경험했고, 이는 특히 금융부문에서...
This brief summarizes the main features of Korea’s All Public Information In-One (ALIO) system, launched in 2006 to allow timely public access to state-owned enterprises’ (SOEs) financial and management...
This brief focuses on the World Bank Group-Republic of Korea partnership on pandemic preparedness and response. This partnership focuses on developing a comprehensive understanding of successful responses...
On May 20 to 22, 2019, the fifth partnership for skills in applied sciences, engineering, and technology (PASET) forum, destination digital Africa : preparing our youth for the future was jointly hosted...
On April 5 to 7, 2017, the fourth partnership for skills in applied sciences, engineering, and technology (PASET) forum on partnership and innovation for skills development in Africa was jointly hosted...
The World Bank education team for Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), under the partnership for skills in applied sciences, engineering, and technology (PASET), in collaboration with the Association of African Universities...
This country level trade brief summarizes insights from the world trade indicators database as well as analyzes national impacts and responses to the food crisis and global recession. The trade at a glance...
On October 29, 2007, the Government of Korea has established two trust funds worth US30 million dollars that will help countries further their poverty reduction efforts and deliver government services...
On March 26, 2007, World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz signed a Memorandum of Understanding with South Korea’s Minister for Health and Welfare Rhyu Simin, providing for cooperation between Korea’s National...
On May 30, 2006, Ahn youg ha se yoh (Hello), It’s great to be here in Seoul and see first hand the tremendous progress South Korea has made in the last 50 years. There are many lessons to be learned from...