The Agricultural Credit Project in Ecuador was designed to support the Government's objective to increase agricultural output through expansion into new areas and increased productivity, thereby improving...
The Agricultural Credit Project in Ecuador was designed to support the Government's objective to increase agricultural output through expansion into new areas and increased productivity, thereby improving...
The project would provide credit for: (a) livestock development, including pasture improvement and renewal, fencing and other infrastructure, machinery and equipment and breeding stock, for beef cattle...
This news release, dated June 16, 1977, announces some 1,500 small farmers from poor rural areas of Ecuador will receive medium- and long-term investment credits for developing their livestock and agricultural...
The project would provide credit for: (a) livestock development, including pasture improvement and renewal, fencing and other infrastructure, machinery and equipment and breeding stock, for beef cattle...
This news release, dated December 28, 1976, announces the World Bank approved a 26 million dollars loan aimed to strengthen the development banking system of Ecuador and to contribute to the improvement...