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  • Ecuador - Agricultural Credit Project (anglais)

    The Agricultural Credit Project in Ecuador was designed to support the Government's objective to increase agricultural output through expansion into new areas and increased productivity, thereby improving...

    Type de document: Rapport d’achèvement du projet Numéro du rapport: 7323 Date du document: 30 juin 1988 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur:

  • Ecuador - Agricultural Credit Project : Ecuador - Proyecto De Credito Agricola (espagnol)

    The Agricultural Credit Project in Ecuador was designed to support the Government's objective to increase agricultural output through expansion into new areas and increased productivity, thereby improving...

    Type de document: Rapport d’achèvement du projet Numéro du rapport: 7323 Date du document: 16 mai 1988 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur:

  • Ecuador - Agricultural Credit Project (anglais)

    The project would provide credit for: (a) livestock development, including pasture improvement and renewal, fencing and other infrastructure, machinery and equipment and breeding stock, for beef cattle...

    Type de document: Mémorandum et recommandation du Président Numéro du rapport: P2098 Date du document: 30 juin 1977 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur:

  • Ecuador - Agricultural Credit Project (anglais)

    The project would provide credit for: (a) livestock development, including pasture improvement and renewal, fencing and other infrastructure, machinery and equipment and breeding stock, for beef cattle...

    Type de document: Rapport d’évaluation des services de la Banque mondiale Numéro du rapport: 1499 Date du document: 31 mai 1977 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: