Ratings for the Sustainable Forestry for Rural Development Project are as follows: Outcome is moderately unsatisfactory, Risk to development outcome is high, Bank performance is moderately unsatisfactory...
Ratings for the Sustainable Forestry for Rural Development Project for Lao People's Democratic Republic were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory; risk to development outcome was substantial;...
The objective of the Sustainable Forestry for Rural Development (SUFORD) Project for Lao People's Democratic Republic is to assist the borrower to achieve the sustainable management of production forests...
The objective of the Sustainable Forestry for Rural Development (SUFORD) Project for Lao People's Democratic Republic is to assist the borrower to achieve the sustainable management of production forests...
This news release, dated June 25, 2003, announces the World Bank approved two credits for Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) United States (U.S.) 14.8 million dollars to support the Second Land Titling...
The Sustainable Forestry for Rural Development Project for Laos will assist the Borrower to achieve the sustainable management of production forests to alleviate rural poverty in the Project Provinces...
Negative environmental impacts and risks are anticipated for the Participatory Forest Management and Village Development component only. The major outstanding potentially negative environmental risks relate...
Negative environmental impacts and risks are anticipated for the Participatory Forest Management and Village Development component only. The major outstanding potentially negative environmental risks relate...
This resettlement policy framework (RPF) lays out the process for providing social safeguards for villagers affected by the implementation of the Sustainable Forestry Project, in terms of loss of access...