Ratings for the Large-Scale Renewable Energy Development Project for Mexico were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the risk to development outcome was low or negligible, the Bank performance was...
The development objective of the Large-scale Renewable Energy Development Project is to assist Mexico in developing initial experience in commercially-based grid-connected renewable energy applications...
The development objective of the Large-scale Renewable Energy Development Project is to assist Mexico in developing initial experience in commercially-based grid-connected renewable energy applications...
The Large-scale Renewable Energy Development Project of Mexico provides strong synergies in energy and sustainable development and the energy diversification thrust underlying the project addresses these...
The Large Scale Renewable Energy Development Project proposes a two-phase approach to address key policy, and tariff issues currently hindering renewable energy development, and, facilitate initial investments...
The Large Scale Renewable Energy Development Project will assist Mexico in developing initial experience in commercially-based grid-connected renewable energy applications by supporting construction of...