A vast literature shows the importance of socioemotional skills in earnings and employment, but whether they matter in getting hired remains unanswered. This study seeks to address this question, and further...
Gender equality is a core development objective, and it is also a smart development policy. Gender equality is also a key pathway to ensure lasting poverty reduction and shared prosperity. Identifying...
Gender disparities in Turkey remain considerable despite Turkish government’s recent public policy initiatives aimed at increasing gender equity in Turkey. Overall gender equity ranking of Turkey in the...
The Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Surveys 2013 (BEEPS orEnterprise Surveys) conducted by the World Bank provides new opportunities to betterunderstand obstacles to female entrepreneurship...
In the recent years, economic performance in Turkey has been praised due to its sustainedgrowth trends, stability and capacity to weather the global financial crisis. However, a number of issues related...
The reach of the financial sector in Turkey is wide - as measured by account penetration, use of electronic payments, and credit card ownership - relative to both developing and high-income countries...
Over a century ago, Schumpeter (1911) described the entrepreneur as a creative, driven individual who finds new combinations of (factors) of production to develop a new product, corner a new market, or...
Turkey has recently experienced significant population growth, gross domestic product (GDP) growth, and modernization. The economic structure in Turkey has been changing rapidly due to privatization and...
It is well documented that economic participation of women is very low in Turkey compared to that of men in the country. This gender disparity in economic participation is valid not only for participation...
In this paper authors discuss environmental factors that might help explain the significantly low use of financial services by women in Turkey. For instance, The Gender Gap Report (2013) provides a cross-country...
This report summarizes the main findings of the different work conducted under Turkey: Promoting Gender Equity in Labor Market and Entrepreneurship (P133741) to better understand the gender differences...
This brief describes the launch by the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy/Women’s Status Directorate General, the Government of Sweden [Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency...