Raportul compară proiectul-pilot de evaluare a dizabilității din România cu cele din alte șase țări.Raportul prezintă o analiză comparativă între studiul-pilot de testare a modelului propus pentru evaluarea...
The report compares Romania's Disability Assessment pilot with six other countries. The report presents a comparative analysis of the disability assessment pilot testing carried out in Romania and similar...
Deliverable 6 is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 briefly reviews the main elements that characterize the disability assessment system in Romania today and discusses the need for its modernization...
Deliverable 6 is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 briefly reviews the main elements that characterize the disability assessment system in Romania today and discusses the need for its modernization...
Output 4 is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 gives a brief description of the new disability paradigm and a review of the main elements proposed in the project to modernize the comprehensive disability...
Output 4 is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 gives a brief description of the new disability paradigm and a review of the main elements proposed in the project to modernize the comprehensive disability...
Output 5 is organized into three chapters. Chapter 1 briefly reviews the main elements proposed in the project to modernize the comprehensive disability assessment for adults in Romania, as well as an...
Output 5 is organized into three chapters. Chapter 1 briefly reviews the main elements proposed in the project to modernize the comprehensive disability assessment for adults in Romania, as well as an...
Output 3 is organized in five sections. First chapter makes a short synthesis of the key elements suggested in Output 2 for modernizing the comprehensive assessment of disability for adults in Romania...
Output 3 is organized in five sections. First chapter makes a short synthesis of the key elements suggested in Output 2 for modernizing the comprehensive assessment of disability for adults in Romania...
Output 2 is organized into six chapters. Chapter 1 looks at the theoretical framework given by the ICF and UNCRPD and presents a brief explanation of the ICF philosophy, the dimensions and categories (descriptors)...
Output 2 is organized into six chapters. Chapter 1 looks at the theoretical framework given by the ICF and UNCRPD and presents a brief explanation of the ICF philosophy, the dimensions and categories (descriptors)...
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) provides a globally recognized framework for classifying and measuring disability. There is broad recognition among experts...
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) provides a globally recognized framework for classifying and measuring disability. There is broad recognition among experts...