The Government of Uzbekistan has set out to undergo a green and climate-resilient economic transition as part of its overall economic development and market orientation. Given the investment needs, a step...
O'zbekiston hukumati umumiy iqtisodiy rivojlanish va bozorga yo'naltirish doirasida yashil va iqlimga chidamli iqtisodiy o'tishni o'tkazishni maqsad qilib qo'ygan. Investitsiya ehtiyojlarini hisobga olgan...
This report summarizes the main results from a assessment of air quality in Tashkent (Part I) that informed the definition of sectoral policies and measures (PaMs) in the roadmap for air quality management...
Mazkur hisobot Toshkent shahridagi havo sifatini texnik baholashning asosiy natijalarini umumlashtiradi (I qism), bu O‘zbekistonda havo sifati boshqaruvini (AQM) takomillashtirish bo‘yicha yo‘l xaritasida...
В настоящем отчете обобщаются основные результаты техническая оценка качества воздуха в Ташкенте (Часть I), на основе которых было дано определение секторального политики и меры (СиМ) в «дорожной карте»...
Ushbu hisobot Toshkent shahridagi havo sifatini texnik baholashning asosiy natijalari (I qism) umumlashtirilib, ular asosida havo sifatini boshqarishni takomillashtirish (VHF) yo'l xaritasida sohaviy siyosat...
This report summarizes the main results from a technical assessment of air quality in Tashkent (Part I) that informed the definition of sectoral policies and measures (PaMs) in the roadmap for air quality...
According to the latest World Bank report on the global health cost of particles with diameter less than 2.5 microns (µm) (PM2.5) air pollution, Uzbekistan has the second highest annual average PM2.5 concentration...
This report is part of the support package for Uzbekistan to realize an Inclusive Green Growth Transition. The recent Presidential Decree No. PP-436 02.12.2022 “On measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness...
Данный доклад является составной частью пакета мер содействия Узбекистану в осуществлении перехода к инклюзивному «зеленому» росту экономики. Недавнее постановление Президента Республики Узбекистан от...
Land use plays a pivotal role in Uzbekistan’s development, and embracing sustainable agriculture offers a promising pathway to achieving middle-income status. This report aims to identify hotspots of land...
Землепользование играет ключевую роль в развитии Узбекистана, и внедрение устойчивого сельского хозяйства предлагает многообещающий путь к достижению статуса страны со средним уровнем дохода. Цель настоящего...
This Guidance Note serves to support the government of Uzbekistan in the design of a national Green Taxonomy. A green taxonomy sets out rules for classifying environmentally sustainable activities and...
Настоящие Методические рекомендации призваны оказать содействие правительству Узбекистана в разработке национальной «зеленой» таксономии. «Зеленая» таксономия устанавливает правила классификацииэкологически...
Over the last few decades, Uzbekistan’s remarkable economic growth has been largely fueled by resource extraction and the mining and manufacturing sectors of the economy. Yet, this progress has come at...
Uzbekistan has a unique opportunity to make early investments to ‘green’ its ambitious economic and market transition. A greener economic growth model in Uzbekistan, based on the sustainable and efficient...