Madagascar, the world’s fourth-largest island country, is home to abundant marine and coastal resources. Its coastline is the longest in Africa, and its land area generates an exclusive economic zone (EEZ)...
Madagascar's human capital is highly vulnerable to climate change, with around 25% of the population living in areas prone to droughts, cyclones, or floods. These regions also suffer from low levels of...
Madagascar, a diverse island nation, faces severe climate risks. Due to its location, topography, and socioeconomic conditions, Madagascar is highly exposed to extreme weather events, especially cyclones...
The Madagascar Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) examines the implications of climate change—and global decarbonization efforts—for the country’s development ambitions and identifies priority...
Madagascar has been hit hard by successive years of severe drought that have resulted in failed harvests, in turn resulting in the lack of food and seeds required to renew local food stocks. While the...
Despite exceptional natural capital, Madagascar is amongst the poorest and most exposed to hazards and impacts of climate change including extreme weather events. One-quarter of Madagascar’s population...
Face au changement climatique, il est plus urgent que jamais que Madagascar se développe de façon optimale. Le présent Rapport national sur le climat et le développement (CCDR) constate que l’aspiration...