Included in this issue: Latin videos Contest 2007. Stories of Sanitation. Video of Peruvian "Action Aid" award. Creating markets for the poor. The "alternative solution for Sanitation." The draft for a...
Some of the following articles in this issue of Agua: Current events -- Ica earthquake effects on water and sanitation services; Hispanic forest cooperation. Tests and debate -- state modernization and...
In this issue: Data, notes and drops -- National University of Engineering (UNI) investigation project concluded. Canadian Servicio Universitario Mundial (SUM) Canada and Peru's Asociacion de Municipalidades...
Editorial: Social inclusion and water and sanitation sector by 2007; data, notes and drops; lessons and experiences: Report of the International Workshop of Andean Amazonia; Modernization of the management...
Contents: Data, notes and drops: water and sanitation services management. UNI-SUM Canada up-to-date training. AVINA foundation: elements for new culture of water in Peru. Sedapal: private investment will...
Contents: Data, notes and drops: SEDAPAL will grant the Savings Product stamp. SUM: training in Cadastre on water and sewerage services. In memoriam - Maria Elena Bodero: December 25, 1956 - November 24...
Editorial - after one decade : updating the law of general sanitation services. Campaign to promote the washing of hands with soap. Development Marketplace will donate four million dollars yearly : World...
Contents: Update-MIAGUA, the quiet reform of the sanitation sector. Data and notes: Sedapal will make potable water accessible to 95 percent of the population. Equal opportunity for men and women. La Asociacion...
Editorial - dialog and agreement : tools for development. Condominial sewerage networks for north of Lima : the Comas experience; by Omar Macedo and Alejandro Conza. Water and disaster prevention : emergency...
Editorial - non-traditional technologies to expand coverage and reach the poorest. The experience of Parauapebas, Para, Brazil : provision of water services using ' condominiales ' networks; by Joao Miranda...
Editorial : 2004 - challenges for small and medium size cities. New models for sustainable delivery of water and sanitation services. A new instrument for development of water and sanitation services countrywide...
Editorial - participatory budget and sanitation. Coverage expansion project by PAC-SEDAPAL : Strategy to offer water and sanitation services to the poorest of Lima; by Jaime Salcedo, Rolando Vasquez and...
This newsletter presents issues of regionalization and the election of designated authorities for water and sewerage distribution in Peru. Bolivia, and Honduras. It contains the following articles : New...
Editorial - decentralization and small towns. A dosifier for constant water disinfection used for human water consumption : water disinfection and health; by Ricardo Rojas and Jose Luis Huaman. Regional...
Editorial - new investments in the rural water and sanitation sector and decentralization. Propilas 2 in Cajamarca : local municipalities will design their strategies for water and sanitation projects;...
Editorial - an opportunity for the water and sanitation sector. From the indigenous peoples point of view : water supply is part of a cycle that belongs to humans; by Rosa Meza (OPS/OMS). Water and sanitation...
Editorial - water, sanitation and the private sector : transparency and clear guidelines. Sanitary technologies at low cost (CENCA); Chile: regulation and privatization of potable water and sanitation;...
Editorial - community contracting, and empowerment. Notes for capacity building methods : the two waters; by Mercedes Zevallos, UNICEF. El Ingenio, Nasca : La Asociacion de Usuarios, an alternative model...
Editorial - sustainable rural sanitation and new investments, APRISABAC : conclusions of a rural water and sanitation experience (1993-2000); by Raul Reyes V., CER-AGUA. SER, Asociacion de servicios educativos...
Editorial - sanitation sector developments. The new sanitation law : towards efficiency, sustainability, equity and financial viability of services; by Lucia Ruiz (PRES). First Saturday in October : inter-american...