Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: the south-south opportunity; south meets south: enriching the development menu; rise of the global south and its impact on south-south cooperation;...
Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: the growth report: strategies for sustained growth and inclusive development; after the crisis; growing out of crisis; the economic and fiscal...
Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: drawing on experience: transforming fragile states into effective ones; building capacity to move past conflict and fragility: an agenda...
Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: delivering on the agenda for action; committing to effective aid; the struggle for ownership of assistance; the millennium challenge account;...
Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: agriculture contributes to development in many ways; new opportunity and new challenges; rising food prices; a window of opportunity for...
Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: business and poverty: opening markets to the poor by Petkoski, Djordjija B.; Rangan, Kasturi; and Laufer, William S.; the next four billion:...
This report begins with a guest editorial; by Djordjija B. Petkoski; V. Kasturi, Rangan; and William S. Laufer. The next 4 billion: characterizing Base of the economic pyramid (BoP) markets; by Allen...
Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: climate change: low carbon economies and resilient societies, achieving low carbon growth for the world: key elements for a global deal on...
Contents of the development outreach newsletter are as follows: democracy: an adaptable system critical for development; overcoming autocratic legacies; building institutional capacity for democratization;...
This issue focuses on ways countries can maximize the opportunities and minimize the risks facing young people by leveraging their human capital. A common theme running through the special report is that...
This development outreach newsletter includes some of the following headlines: building science, technology and innovation capacity: turning ideas into actions. Engineering in international development:...
As the World Bank places renewed emphasis on understanding the relationship between human rights and economic development, Development Outreach features a special report aimed at raising debate and sharing...
For the past ten years, the World Bank has acknowledged corruption as a major impediment to economic development. More recently, it has played an increasingly active role in supporting anti-corruption...
For the past ten years, the World Bank has acknowledged corruption as a major impediment to economic development. More recently, it has played an increasingly active role in supporting anti-corruption...
In this issue: Fostering Greater Equity; by Giovanna Prennushi, Francisco Ferreira, Peter Lindert and Michael Walton. Addressing Unequal Economic Opportunities: A case study of land tenure in Ghana; by...
This development outreach newsletter includes some of the following headlines: special report, capacity and development. Capacity for development: guest editorial; by de Nevers, Michele, Leautier, Frannie...
This issue of Development Outreach has been designed to reflect a rich array of viewpoints and approaches on disability and development. Each article contributes to a fuller understanding of each other...
This development outreach newsletter includes some of the following headlines: special report: reaching the poor with health services. Vigilance, hope and hard work; by Abdo S. Yaazbeck and Davidson R...
Development outreach has asked the leaders of the WDR 2005 team, Warrick P. Smith and Mary C. Hallward-Driemeier to put together the special report featured in this issue in order to provide comments by...
The three Central American countries examined in this study suffered violent internal conflicts during the 1980s but faced the 1990s largely at peace and with a renewed sense of hope. As in most post-conflict...