Private infrastructure: private activity fell by 30 percent in 1999; by Ada Karina Izaguirre and Geetha Rao. Private infrastructure: are the trends in low-income countries different? ; by Melissa Houskamp...
Protecting minority shareholders in closely held firms, by Chad Leechor. Reviving the market for corporate control, by Chad Leechor. Innovations in bankruptcy - prioritizing creditors using option markets...
A scorecard for energy reform in developing countries. Private participation in the transmission and distribution of natural gas - recent trends. Regulation in new natural gas markets - the Northern Ireland...
The impact of IPPs in developing countries - out of crisis and into the future, by Yves Albouy and Reda Bousba. International power trade - the Nordic power tool, by Lennart Carlsson. Electricity reform...
Private participation in the electricity sector - recent trends, by Ada Karina Izaguirre. World Bank guarantees for oil and gas projects, by Scott Sinclair. Bidding for concessions - how contract design...
The East Asian financial crisis - fallout for private power projects, by R. David Gray and John Schuster. Contingent liabilities for infrastructure projects - implementing a risk management framework for...
Competition in the natural gas industry - the emergence of spot, financial, and pipeline capacity markets. Natural gas markets in the United Kingdom - competition, industry structure, and market power...
Utility regulators - the independence debate. Utility regulators - roles and responsibilities. Utility regulators - decisionmaking structures, resources and start-up strategy. Utility regulation - a critical...
The restructuring and privatization of the U.K. electricity supply - was it worth it? by David M. Newbery and Michael G. Pollitt. A retrospective on the Mexican toll road program (1989-94), by Jeff Ruster...
A new method for auctioning highways. Water privatization and regulation in England and Wales. Designing regulatory institutions for infrastructure - lessons from Argentina. Colombia's gradulist approach...
Regulatory lessons from Argentina's power concessions, by Antonio Estache and Martin Rodriguez-Pardina; railway concessions-heading down the right track in Argentina, by Jose Carbajo and Antonio Estache;...
A global market of $60 billion a year, by Jae So and Ben Shin. Company approaches, by Jae So and Ben Shin. Back to the future - the potential in infrastructure privatization, by Michael Klein and Neil...
Mitigating commercial risks in project finance; by Ruster, Jeff. A pre-export guarantee facility in Moldova - mitigating political risk in transition; by Ruhl, Onno and Alfred Watkins. Are bank interest...
Restructuring regulation of the railroad industry. A template for power reform. Lessons from power sector reform in England and Wales. Private power financing from project finance to corporate finance...
A global market of US$30 billion a year. Company strategies. Reality checks for power forecasts. The real world of power sector regulation. Competitive contracting for privately generated power. Fiscal...
Franchising and privatization; by Antony W. Dnes. Tradable property rights to water; by Mateen Thobani. Privatization through broad-based ownership strategies; by Stuart Bell. Bettering banking: privatize...
Is privatization necessary? By John Nellis. The privatization experience of Latin America, by Mateen Thobani. Privatization by capitalization- a popular participation recipe for cash-starved SOEs in Bolivia...