This twenty-second edition contains: highlights; newsworthy; upcoming: trade week events; publications; brief notes on trade; working papers; books of interest; and for the record.
This twenty-second edition contains: highlights; newsworthy; upcoming: trade week events; publications; brief notes on trade; working papers; and for the record.
This twenty-first edition contains: highlights of the quarter; announcements; upcoming learning events; publications; Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM) trade notes; working papers;...
This twentieth edition contains: highlights of the quarter; announcements; upcoming learning events; publications; for the record; and working papers.
This nineteenth edition contains: highlights of the quarter; toolkits; forthcoming learning events; publications; for the record; and working papers.
This eighteen edition contains: highlights of the quarter; toolkits; forthcoming learning events; publications; trade note, trade working papers; and for the record.
This seventeen edition contains: highlights of the quarter; toolkits; forthcoming learning events; publications; trade working papers; and for the record.
This sixteenth edition contains: books - publications; of note; trade notes; training; for the record; and working papers.
This fifteenth edition contains: recent flagship report; of note; for the record; upcoming events; and recent trade-related working papers.
This thirteenth edition contains: books and reports; trade notes; World Bank working papers; upcoming courses; and for the record.
This tenth edition contains: recent publications; of note; recent book chapters, journal articles featuring World Bank's staff; upcoming; and for the record.
This fourteenth edition contains: highlights; for the record; of note; and upcoming courses; books and reports; and the World Bank working papers.
This twelfth edition contains: books and reports; of note; World Bank working papers; upcoming courses; and for the record.
This eleventh edition contains: upcoming publications; recent publications; trade note series; of note; recent policy research working papers; upcoming courses; and for the record.
This ninth edition contains: new publications; trade notes series; of note; workshop seminars; and for the record.
This eighth edition contains: new publications; trade notes series; revised trade note; new policy research working papers of Interest; of note; and seminars.
This fifth edition contains: new and upcoming publications; trade notes series; new policy research working papers of interest; announcements; and for the record.
This seventh edition contains: new publications; new trade notes; new policy research working papers of interest; for the record and of note.
This sixth edition contains: forthcoming publications; new trade notes; new policy research working papers of interest; and announcements.
This fifth edition contains: new and upcoming publications; trade note series; new policy research working papers of interest; announcements; and for the record.