The note first discusses the main pillars of financial security at older ages before focusing on the status of contributory and noncontributory (or social) pension systems in developing countries. It highlights...
The global demographic landscape is at a crossroads, with rapid declines in fertility and aging populations holding profound implications for employment, social services, and wellbeing. Population aging...
The global demographic landscape is at a crossroads, with rapid declines in fertility and aging populations holding profound implications for employment, social services, and wellbeing. Population aging...
Women and men experience aging differently. Evidence from across the globe suggests that aging is not “gender-neutral”, but rather “gender-imbalanced”. Along with physical and physiological differences...
Even as human beings are living longer and generally healthier lives, consumption of tobacco, alcohol, and processed foods with high sugar content are causing substantial death and disease. In recent decades...
In virtually all countries across the world, the population is aging, and consequently, both the number and proportion of older people are growing. Notably, the aging process is accelerating at a more...
As underscored in several background papers developed for the Healthy Longevity Initiative (HLI) Commission, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) represent a major and growing threat to the health of the world’s...
Poor health in old age comes at a high cost for individuals, households, and societies. Increases in life expectancy across countries have not always added years of healthy life. Accordingly, health promotion...
Population aging is a global phenomenon: people all over the world are living longer. Undoubtedly, this is good news. Extended longevity reflects the social and economic progress of societies; it is the...
The world’s population is aging at a dramatic speed, raising concerns for how to maintain income and productivity growth, improve the welfare of older people, and help them contribute to society. By 2050...
The world’s population is aging. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts that, in 2030, 1 in 6 persons worldwide will be aged 60 years or over. This study explores the relationship between providing...
Globally, 41 million people die from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) every year (World Health Organization 2022a). This accounts for approximately 74 percent of all deaths (World Health Organization 2022a)...
As the global population rapidly ages, there is a pressing need for approaches to promote health, well-being, and productivity across the life course (Beard and Bloom 2015; Bloom and Sousa-Poza 2013)...
Disease burden is commonly measured using a variety of health statistics, including deaths by cause, injury and disease prevalence and incidence, and disability-adjusted life years. While these metrics...
This chapter aims to outline a framework for examining the impact pathways between non-communicable diseases (NCDs), human capital (HC), and end outcomes - primarily healthy longevity, inclusive growth...
Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, life expectancy at birth had been steadily increasing globally (UN 2019); and the advancements to older ages and frontiers of longevity were still regularly...
The progress in mortality reduction not only varies by age, but also over time. The mortality rates decreased notably faster for ages under 70 during 1990-2010 compared to after 2010, at least in Low middle...
This chapter has been prepared as background to the Healthy Longevity Initiative (HLI), under the ambit of the Health, Nutrition, and Population (HNP) Global Practice of the World Bank Group (WBG). Under...
Disease burden is commonly measured using a variety of health statistics, including deaths by cause, injury and disease prevalence and incidence, and disability-adjusted life years. While these metrics...
Coordinated efforts are needed globally to emphasize the importance of healthy longevity on both health and well-being. The concept of healthy longevity describes a process of ageing that promotes human...