Nitrogen fertilizer is essential for boosting agricultural yields and food production. However, agricultural subsidies often drive the inefficient application of fertilizer, leading to significant costs...
Various efforts have been made to comprehensively assess agricultural policies in countries worldwide using diverse methodologies, including some generated by several international organizations. Since...
This study examines the impact of farm input subsidies, food and cash transfers, and irrigation investments on the dietary diversity, food consumption scores, and coping strategy index in Malawi. Despite...
This note details four main conclusions: The government should enact clear policy reforms to target the development and provision of agricultural insurance products with public sector support (including...
Agricultural subsidies make up a large share of public budgets, exceeding 40 percent of total agricultural production value in some countries. Subsidies are often important components of government strategies...
This paper systematically analyzes the effect of agricultural input subsidies in developing countries on yield and income, using a meta-analysis. From three databases, the analysis identifies 12 studies...
Liberia’s development and poverty reduction efforts were severely set back by civil strife, and recovery has been stymied by natural calamities and weak institutions. Agriculture is the foundation of Liberia’s...
Zimbabwe has a long history of providing subsidies to farmers. The policies that have defined these subsidies have changed over time and led periodically to significant and unsustainable pressure on fiscal...
A research station in Herat Province is successfully contributing to ongoing research to improve and sustain seed production, which will result in high-yielding, hardier crop varieties. The research farm...