Nitrogen fertilizer is essential for boosting agricultural yields and food production. However, agricultural subsidies often drive the inefficient application of fertilizer, leading to significant costs...
This paper estimates the profitability of inorganic fertilizer use in maize production in Malawi. It employs a two-wave, nationally representative panel of data on smallholder households and plots to estimate...
This paper addresses the question of whether farm input subsidy programs should be targeted at non-poor farmers instead of poor farmers, using a two-wave, nationally representative panel data from Malawi...
The study focuses on themes and areas that have been identified as highly relevant for the modernization and commercialization of the agriculture sector. The study originally aimed to review: agricultural...
The First and Second Development Policy Loan in Support of the Plan Maroc Vert received a moderately satisfactory outcome rating with significant risk to development outcome. The Bank received a satisfactory...
The development objective of the Collective Reparation for Victims through Social Reconstruction Project of Colombia is to improve the capacity of the unit for implementation of the Collective Reparations...
This note analyzes the trends and evolution of public spending in the agriculture sector in Indonesia, as well as its impact on the growth of agriculture during the period 1976-2006. Public spending on...
This note analyzes the trends and evolution of public spending in the agriculture sector in Indonesia, as well as its impact on agriculture growth during the period 1976 to 2006. The authors demonstrate...
On September 27, 2002, Brazil requested consultations with the US regarding prohibitive and actionable subsidies provided to US cotton producers. On March 18, 2003, the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of...
On June 21, 1990, Hungary will increase its foreign-exchange earnings through a project aimed at boosting production of agricultural goods for export. The World Bank is supporting the project with a 100...