Canada was IFC’s first bilateral partner in blended concessional finance across all sectors and themes. This partnership started in 2011 with the establishment of the IFC-Canada Climate Change Program...
The Blended Finance for Climate Program (BFCP), established in 2017, is a partnership between the Government of Finland (GoF) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to catalyze innovative investments...
In 2018, International Finance Corporation’s (IFC’s) shareholders authorized a capital increase of 5.5 billion dollars, the largest increase in its history. The capital increase was based on a strategy...
Deep tech companies - those built on advances in biotechnology, robotics, electronics, artificial intelligence, and other advanced technologies—aim to solve complex social and environmental challenges...
This report contains the World Bank Group Boards’ calendar for the period from October to December 2021, specifying the Boards’ engagements, such as meetings and briefings.
Private sector investments are critical to achieving sustainable development in both fragile and conflict affected states (FCS) and the least developed countries (IDA countries). Still, multiple challenges...
Blended concessional finance, the combination of commercial finance from the private sector and development finance institutions (DFIs) with concessional finance from public and other sources, is increasingly...
The Blended Finance for Climate Program (BFCP), established in 2017, is a partnership between the Government of Finland (GoF) and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to catalyze innovative investments...
The number of forcibly displaced persons has been rising in recent years, and many displacements have become protracted. However, public resources available to assist individuals and families have dwindled...
Blended concessional finance is the combination of concessional funds from development partners with commercial finance from development finance institutions (DFIs) and private sources. These resources...