How can we track the sustainability of economic progress and measure the changing wealth of nations? Until now, gross domestic product (GDP) has been the headline indicator for tracking economic progress...
The purpose of this Users’ Manual is to provide the necessary documentation for the modeling unit in the Ministry of Finance (MoF) of Romania on how to use the Pension Reform Options Simulation Kit (PROST)...
This paper responds to International Development Association (IDA) Participants’ request for insights into the evolution, lessons learned, and results of the International Development Agency (IDA), International...
Until the last decade, venture capital (VC) was perceived as a side game in capital markets across the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. Only a few companies were able to succeed, and valuations...
These remarks were delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the G7 Hiroshima Summit Side Event on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment on May 20, 2023. He describes...
To date, the impact of foreign direct investment on market power and consumer welfare in developing countries has been relatively understudied. Utilizing a firm survey dataset from Vietnam, this paper...
On May 29, 2007, Net private capital flows to developing countries reached a record 647 billion dollars in 2006, although the rate of growth of these flows slowed from 34 percent in 2005 to 17 percent...
This press release announces that an issue of Swiss Franc Bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) is planned for public offering in Switzerland on November 4, 1977...
This press release announces on September 16, 1977, that the World Bank declared the placement of three hundred fifty million issue of U.S. dollar Bonds maturing September 15, 1979 in markets outside the...
This press release announces on March 20, 1974, that the World Bank declared the placement of two hundred fifty-seven million seven hundred thousand issue of two year U.S. dollar bonds maturing March 15...
This press release announces on March 11, 1974, that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) declares the first public offering of its bonds in Venezuela. The issue amounting...
This press release announces on January 17, 1974, that an issue of Swiss Franc Bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) is planned for public offering in Switzerland...
This press release announces that the World Bank and a syndicate of German Banks headed by the Deutsche Bank A.G., as manager, and the Dresdner Bank A.G., as comanager, signed on December 9, 1971, an agreement...
This press release announces that Robert S. McNamara, President of the World Bank, declared on October 27, 1971, a public offering of the Bank's bonds in Kuwait. The new issue, which is being offered by...
This press release announces that a new issue of twenty-five million US dollars Eight Year Canadian Dollar Bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) is being offered...
This press release announces that Robert S. McNamara, President, signed documents on September 27, 1971, in Washington authorizing a public issue of the Bank's bonds in Japan.
This press release announces that the World Bank declared the placement of one hundred seventy million eight hundred sixty thousand US dollars issue of U.S. dollar bonds maturing September 15, 1973, in...
This press release announces that Robert S. McNamara, President of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, declared today that the Bank proposes to offer in the United States on August...