IFC maintains a focused relationship with the Baltic countries, which revolves around engagement with select companies in the fintech and tech, forestry, logistics, agribusiness and retail sectors, which...
This story highlights an outcome of infoDev, a multi-donor program administered by the World Bank Group, with a focus on entrepreneurs in developing economies. PitchIT Caribbean is a World Bank-sponsored...
The objectives of the project are to continue to strengthen research capacity in key scientific and support areas, including human resources development, and to consolidate institutional reforms. The project...
The purpose of this study is to contribute some ideas in the areas of small scale industries, instrumentation and maintenance of equipment to further understand and plan for future economic needs. An account...
Le but de cette étude est de soumettre quelques idées dans les domaines des petites industries, de l’instrumentation et de l’entretien du matériel pour mieux comprendre et prévoir les besoins futurs de...
This manual aims to describe methods which may be used by engineering and safety analysts to estimate the major accident hazards associated with industrial plants. The basic procedure requires that potential...
The Science and Technology Project will finance the foreign exchange costs of the 1984-86 time slice of Brazil's Program for Support of Science and Technology Development (PADCT). PADCT provides for research...
This news release, dated September 7, 1978, announces the International Development Association (IDA), the soft-loan affiliate of the World Bank, approved a 55 million dollars credit for a fertilizer project...
Construction of a 1,725 tpd urea plant, including an intermediate ammonia production plant of 1,000 tpd at Goth Machhi, Province of the Punjab. The project also includes the construction of a 33-mile pipeline...
Engineering encompasses all those professions characterized by using technological knowledge to produce goods and services. But engineers could also help to create new technological knowledge. A classification...
This press release announces the International Development Association (IDA), an affiliate of the World Bank, providing seventy million US dollars on December 4, 1974, to assist Egypt's efforts to achieve...