Governments globally are considering how to manage the transition from coal to clean energy, and how to reach net-zero emissions targets in a way that would ensure a Just Transition – a transition in which...
Finding fuel sources to replace coal in power plants is crucial in the march toward decarbonization. Biomass and ammonia are two options offering significant potential.Both can be used with coal or alone...
The present paper is the first attempt to provide a new blueprint for proactivelyaddressing coal mining lands within a Just Transition framework. It arguesthat traditional approaches to mine land remediation...
The energy transition will entail not only job creation in new clean energy industries but also job losses in incumbent high-emission industries, such as coal extraction and use. Focusing purely on technological...
This report analyzes the possible impact of future coal mine closures on coal sector workers as well as workers in other economic sectors linked to the coal value chain and the implications for local labor...
The objective of this policy note is to provide an overview of the three draft project proposals and to recommend key design principles and implementation arrangement options for a coordinated outplacement...
After Germany, Poland is the EU’s second largest coal producer and consumer.1 96 percent of EU-27 hard coal production, or 54.4 million tons, is extracted in Poland (EURACOAL, 2020). In 2020, over 40 percent...
In the current “Just Transition for All” approach to coal mine closure, land repurposing has become an important enabling and supporting factor in a variety of contexts. In fact, a well-managed mine closure...
This report examines the potential use of auctions as a price discovery mechanism facilitating accelerated decommissioning of the global coal fleet. Despite widespread recognition of coal power’s significant...
Coal-related jobs are at the forefront of the disruption brought about by the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities...
Coal-related jobs are at the forefront of the disruption brought about by the transition towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities...
towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities, whereas many others may not. The resulting disruption to jobs and livelihoods may exacerbate...
towards a low-carbon economy. Some displaced workers may be able to transition easily to new job opportunities, whereas many others may not. The resulting disruption to jobs and livelihoods may exacerbate...
The energy sector needs a variety of hydro-meteorological services to support decision-making for both day-to-day operations and for longer-term strategic planning, as weather and climate variables affect...
The widely shared objective of transition to cleaner energy and reduced dependence on coal presents tremendous challenges, not only to coal sector producers and workers, but because of the broader implications...
Economic transition away from dependence on coal mining can be difficult and costly but can yield significant medium-term gains. As nations move away from coal production and coal-based energy generation...
Energy is a value chain in which the extraction of commodities such as fossil fuels is located at one end and the use of electricity at the other. Coal has been an integral part of the global energy system...
The widely shared objective of transition to cleaner energy and reduced dependence on coal presents tremendous challenges, not only to coal sector producers and workers, but because of the broader implications...
The development objective of Huainan Mining Area Rehabilitation Project for China is to remediate and create a public space at the JiuDa mining site in Huainan city. Some of the negative impacts include:...
The development objective of Huainan Mining Area Rehabilitation Project for China is to remediate and create a public space at the JiuDa mining site in Huainan city. Some of the negative impacts include:...