As global efforts to build emergency-ready health systems intensify, the "Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework" offers a practical investment framework and diverse...
The development objective of Somoud - Enhancing Community Resilience Project is to improve access to basic services and food security of select communities in the Republic of the Sudan. This project has...
The development objective of Support to Community Health Workers Project for Rwanda is to strengthen the capacity of female-led Community Health Workers (CHWs) cooperatives in the targeted districts with...
The development objective of COVID-19 and Health Systems Strengthening Support Project for Timor-Leste is to strengthen the capacities of communities in their preparedness for and response to Coronavirus...
The development objective of Empowering Communities for Better Nutrition Project for Djibouti is to increase access to community-based child and adolescent/youth nutrition services in target area. This...
Mali is a semi-arid, landlocked, low-income country with high demographic growth. It is in the group of the twenty-five poorest countries in the world. Despite improvement in recent years on key health...
The reimbursable advisory services (RAS) regarding the capacity building to accelerate the transition from institutional to community-based care for children deprived of parental care are provided by the...
The reimbursable advisory services (RAS) regarding the capacity building to accelerate the transition from institutional to community-based care for children deprived of parental care are provided by the...
The reimbursable advisory services (RAS) regarding the capacity building to accelerate the transition from institutional to community-based care for children deprived of parental care are provided by the...
The reimbursable advisory services (RAS) regarding the capacity building to accelerate the transition from institutional to community-based care for children deprived of parental care are provided by the...
The purpose of this report is to help inform some public strategies designed to lead to the community-based regional development by understanding the demographic mechanisms of such a process. Usually...
Scopul acestui raport este de a ajuta la informarea unor strategii publice menite să conducă la dezvoltarea regională bazată pe comunitate prin înțelegerea mecanismelor demografice ale unui astfel de proces...
The Second Phase of Scaling Up Nutrition Investments Annual Report presents the continuation of the second phase of a three-phased program between the Government of Japan and the World Bank to support...
Amid recurrent natural disasters and severe financial hardship Haitians face formidable challenges to their health. Maternal and infant mortality rates are 5 and 3 times higher than the regional average...
These remarks were delivered by Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank, at the High-Level Meeting on Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants in New York City, on September 19, 2016. He thanks...
This brief summarizes the do public health interventions crowd out private health investments? Malaria control policies in Eritrea for June-July 2009. The author analyze new data from a randomized control...
Despite significant progress in malaria control on a global scale, Sub-Saharan Africa still bears the brunt of the disease, with over 90 percent of clinical cases occurring in this region. The country...