Government intervention to bail out troubled banks can produce a sizable fiscal contingent liability. Drawing on a rich history of various forms of staggered bailouts, this paper studies the link between...
Bhutan’s risk of overall and external debt distress is assessed as moderate, unchanged from the 2018 DSA. While the mechanical results point to a high risk of overall and external debt distress, with breaches...
Zimbabwe is classified as in debt distress, with unsustainable public and publicly guaranteed (PPG) external and total debt and large external arrears. External and total public debt breach the thresholds...
The country remains in debt distress due to prolonged unsettled external arrears of more than 2 percent of GDP. Staff assesses that the country has the capacity to repay the external arrears over time...
Dominica’s debt is sustainable, but the country remains at high risk of debt distress with elevated levels of public and external debt. The COVID-19 pandemic compounded preexisting debt sustainability...
Papua New Guinea (PNG) remains at high risk of debt distress under the Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF), with weak debt-carrying capacity. While the planned fiscal consolidation...
Madagascar, classified as having a medium debt carrying capacity, is still assessed at moderate risk of external debt distress with some space to absorb shocks and moderate risk of overall (external plus...
The authorities have responded to the COVID-19 shock with fiscal support measures leading to a temporary widening of the fiscal deficit and an increase in public debt. Given the planned unwinding of crisis...
Both external and overall debt in Nepal are assessed at low risk of debt distress. Two external debt indicators, PV of PPG external debt-to-exports ratio and debt service-to-exports ratio, breach the indicative...
This paper examines the effects of a negative macroeconomic shock on the financial performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in infrastructure. It exploits the differential effects of a drastic fall...
Infrastructure is critical to economic development. When infrastructure companies are owned and operated by the government, however, they create significant sources of fiscal risk. These fiscal risks can...
Since 2017, the World Bank has supported Jordan’s government to strengthen its public investment management and its public-private partnership (PPP) program. These efforts were bolstered in March 2020...
External and overall public debt have increased as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but Solomon Islands remains at moderate risk of external and overall debt distress.1 All external debt indicators remain...
This joint World Bank/IMF Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) indicates that Tajikistan’s debt is sustainable while the overall risk of debt distress remains high (unchanged from the May 2020 DSA). Public...
Ratings for the Development Policy Loan with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option (Cat DDO) for Dominican Republic were as follows: overall outcome and achievement of objectives (efficacy) was moderately...
Cameroon is at high risk of external and overall public debt distress. Three out of four external debt indicators breach the thresholds under the baseline scenario, with a particularly large and sustained...
More than 20 developing countries do not publish any data on their sovereign debt. In those that do disclose data, public debt statistics usually do not comply with international standards in terms of...