Digitalization accelerated by the pandemic has exponentially increased the number and variability of alternative data sources. The stay-at-home requirements during the pandemic forced several business...
Ratings for the Mining and Environmental Remediation and Improvement Project for Zambia were as follows: outcomes were moderately unsatisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and...
With their large, often unparalleled, retail outreach to otherwise underserved areas and populations, Cooperative Financial Institutions (CFIs) have significant potential to deepen financial inclusion...
This report focuses on the Ukraine war and its impact on the following: (i) conflict matters; (ii) firm resilience and adaptation at limit; and (iii) direct government support remains low.
En el ejercicio de 2024, el Grupo Banco Mundial adoptó una nueva y audaz visión de un mundo sin pobreza en un planeta habitable. Para lograrlo, está llevando adelante reformas que lo ayuden a convertirse...
In 2009, when International Finance Corporation (IFC) and State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) set out to assist the Kyrgyz Republic in building a robust modern credit infrastructure, about a...
From 2009 to 2019, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs, SECO, collaborated to support Tajikistan in developing sustainable credit information sharing...
This document highlights major advancements in financial inclusion, especially with the PIX payment system. However, financial consumers are increasingly at risk from fraud, scams, over-indebtedness, and...
Between 2016 and 2022, the World Bank and Gavi jointly financed eight health operations in seven countries across four regions. Recognizing the potential for valuable insights and recommendations, the...
This press release announces the International Finance Corporation (IFC) joined forces with the Arab Monetary Fund, a prominent regional multilateral institution, and IBCA, the leading European credit...
This press release announces that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Moscow Bank (IMB) have signed an agreement to establish a 15 million US dollars credit line for IMB on...