Credit infrastructure is a critical enabler of a responsible credit system, benefiting both lenders and borrowers while contributing to financial inclusion and stability. It encompasses the set of institutions...
Based on nearly 40 years of data collected by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), this report offers a comprehensive analysis of default rates for the IFC corporate loan portfolio. It provides...
Interest Bearing Notes is a product of the Finance and Private Sector Research Team in the World Bank's Development Research Group. It reports on research by the team, as well as non-World Bank research...
Women’s lower rates of ownership of collateralizable assets are a constraint to accessing larger business loans. This paper tests the impact of using psychometric credit scoring as a substitute for collateral...
Cette note se concentre sur quatre éléments spécifiques de l'infrastructure de crédit de l'UEMOA, notamment : (1) la capacité et la facilité des institutions financières à prendre des garanties et à enregistrer...
A subsidiary of Alibaba Group’s Ant Financial Services, MYbank was established in 2015 with a focus on serving small, and medium enterprises (SMEs )and farmers. The platform was among the first batch of...
The use of technology innovations in the financial services sector, or FinTech as is commonly known, is a key enabler for financial inclusion, enhancing financial efficiency and potentially targeting existing...
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) contribute significantly to jobs and output creation, and are engines of economic growth worldwide. However, many studies have found that SMEs find it difficult to obtain...
This note analyzes the evolution of Credit Information Systems, including the emergence of new technologies that use alternative data in credit decisioning and the opportunities and risks associated with...
Tienda Pago is an emerging fintech player that provides working capital solutions specifically targeted at merchants in FMCG supply chains. Launched in 2014, and with ongoing operations in Mexico and Peru...
The Financial Innovation for Smallholder Families Initiative is working to facilitate the development of new financial solutions and provider practices that meet the needs of smallholder families. To achieve...
A green lending product was designed to connect green investors, peer-to-peer lenders, intermediaries and green small and growing businesses in order to efficiently provide and deploy flexible working...
This case study tells the story of the evolution of psychometric credit scoring as an innovative solution in a World Bank operation, from its humble beginnings as a small pilot in Ethiopia, to the current...
The case for supporting the growth of green Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) is particularly strong in South Africa, as the imminent threat of climate change poses adverse implications for the way in...
This study collaborated with the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab and a large bank in Peru to use psychometrics for small and medium-size enterprise lending. Applicants used a psychometric tool and those who...
All over the world, women have less access to credit than men. Because of both discriminatory property laws and unwritten social customs, women are less likely than men to own high-value assets that can...
All over the world, women have less access to credit than men. Because of both discriminatory property laws and unwritten social customs, women are less likely than men to own high-value assets that can...
This paper studies the use of psychometric tests, designed by the Entrepreneurial Finance Lab (EFL), as a tool to screen out high credit risk and potentially increase access to credit for small business...
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) often face greater credit constraints than large firms because they lack audited financial statements and other information about their operations, and as a result...
Sovereign credit guarantees and government on-lending can catalyze private sector investment and fulfill specific policy objectives. However, contingent liabilities stemming from guarantees and contingent...