South Africa is highly vulnerable to natural disasters. Between 1952 and 2019, South Africa experienced USD 9 billion in economic losses due to disasters, including droughts, floods, wildfires, and social...
Natural hazards, climate change, conflicts, and disease outbreaks create complex challenges for countries and communities. These factors generate multifaceted threats to health systems, requiring robust...
This guidance document consolidates and conveys key concepts and measures to promote resilient, green, and inclusive health facilities linked to three key phases of the facility investment life cycle:...
The development objective of Integrated Dairy Productivity Improvement Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to support the recipient to enhance regional economic development through targeted interventions in...
यस प्रतिवेदनको उद्देश्य नीति निर्माताहरूलाई प्रमुख विकास अवसरहरू पहिचान गर्न मद्दत गर्नु हो र तिनीहरूलाई महसुस गर्न आवश्यक क्षमताहरू निर्माण गर्न सिफारिसहरू प्रदान गर्दछ। अध्याय १ ले तीन प्रमुख अवधिहरूमा...
Presentation discussing economic, environmental and social sustainability triad We need progress in economic, environmental and social sustainability; Foundations of the sustainability literature since...
This disaster risk finance (DFR) diagnostic was prepared by the World Bank Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice in response to a request from the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) for a study...
Managing the impacts of disasters in emerging markets is an urgent necessity as climate related shocks grow in frequency and intensity. Governments face fiscal constraints, and insurance penetration remains...
Ratings of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project for Kosovo were as follows: outcome was highly satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial...
The development objective of Strengthening Disaster Risk Management and Climate Resilience Project for Haiti is to improve: (i) early warning and emergency evacuation capacity in selected municipalities...
Climate change will have implications for the sustainability of Africa’s fisheries sector, with knock-on consequences for local livelihoods, income, nutrition security, and economic development. The effects...
The Blue Economy in Africa, with its extensive aquatic and marine resources, is expected to play a major role in the continent’s climate adaptation. It presents distinct opportunities to generate jobs...
Across Africa, rising populations and increased socioeconomic activity in coastal areas are resulting in increasing marine pollution. Rather than expand their Blue Economies, countries need to combat pollution...
Climate change impacts the planet overall, and the Blue Economy is not exempt from these effects. On the contrary, the ocean is a major regulator of global and regional weather, and ocean acidification...
This report is a review of GRADEs conducted since 2015, and GRADE’s efficiency, comparative advantage through detailed analysis, and future. First, the GRADE approach and how it has been used and evolved...
This report presents the Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (RDNA) related to the impact of the 2023–2024 conflict that affected Lebanon, conducted by the World Bank at the request of the Government of...