In 2012, Somalia was considered a failed state characterized by multiple, protracted, and deeply rooted fragility and development challenges. Today, Somalia remains one of the poorest and most fragile...
In this brief the authors combine granular climate data on flooding, drought and extreme heat, and district level food insecurity data and conflict data, to produce district level estimates of the number...
Over the past 50 years, the number of drought events in Romania has increased, with their impact on the population, economy, and environment being intensified by climate change. This report provides a...
The Middle East and North Africa is the most water scarce region in the world. Although studies have explored the effect of extreme weather events on agriculture, much less is known about the effect on...
The Drought Risk and Resilience Assessment (DRRA) offers a structured methodology for evaluating drought risk and enhancing resilience. The objective is to transition from reactive to proactive drought...
The Drought Risk and Resilience Assessment (DRRA) offers a structured methodology for evaluating drought risk and enhancing resilience. The objective is to transition from reactive to proactive drought...
The growth of the Serbian economy accelerated in the first half of 2024 leading to an increase in projected gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the year as a whole to 3.8 percent. The incidence of...
The growth of the Serbian economy accelerated in the first half of 2024 leading to an increase in projected gross domestic product (GDP) growth for the year as a whole to 3.8 percent. The incidence of...
Using global data from the World Bank’s Enterprise Surveys that includes the precise geo-location of surveyed firms, this paper examines how dry spells and precipitation shocks influence firm performance...
The objectives of the Flood and Drought Management Project are to increase flood control for people living in selected areas of Türkiye and to strengthen the country's institutional capacity for flood...
This paper investigates the effects of severe drought shocks on Tunisia’s agriculture sector during 2000–19. Using labor force surveys aligned with granular weather data, it calculates the Standardized...
This paper studies how air quality around combustion power plants changes in response to hydrological droughts that affect hydropower generation. Using fixed-effect and post-double selection methods, the...
Uruguay is an economy that is vulnerable to precipitation patterns, as evidenced during the country’s historic 2022/23 drought. Yet, and despite its rich macroeconomic and climate data environment, the...
The De-risking, Inclusion, and Value Enhancement of Pastoral Economies in the Horn of Africa (DRIVE) project aims to enhance pastoralists’ access to financial services for drought risk mitigation, include...
This paper quantifies the impact of drought on household consumption for five main agroecological zones in Africa, developing vulnerability (or damage) functions of the relationship between rainfall deficits...
Livestock is fundamental to national economies and the welfare of households in Sahel countries. The Sahel is very prone to droughts and shifting climatic patterns. Drought costs in the Sahel region are...
L’élevage est fondamental pour les économies nationales et le bien-être des ménages dans les pays du Sahel. Le Sahel est très exposé aux sécheresses et aux changements climatiques. Les coûts de la sécheresse...
Le bétail est fondamental pour les économies nationales et le bien-être des ménages dans les pays du Sahel. Le Sahel est très exposé aux sécheresses et aux changements climatiques. Entre 1950 et 1970...
Livestock is fundamental to national economies and households’ welfare in Sahel countries. The Sahel is very prone to droughts and shifting climatic patterns. Between 1950 and 1970, the Sahel experienced...
Livestock is fundamental to the national economies and welfare of households in Sahel countries. The Sahel is very prone to droughts and shifting climatic patterns. Drought costs in the Sahel region are...