Even though girls’ enrollment in secondary school in Western and Central Africa has improved since 1990, the rate of progress has stagnated over the last 15 years. In many parts of the world, including...
This paper presents evidence of the impact of a five-year package of interconnected interventions intended to improve learning environments in eight disadvantaged districts in Malawi. The intervention...
Teachers are one of the most important inputs for learning, but in many low-income countries they are poorly distributed between schools. This paper discusses the case of Malawi, which has introduced new...
Evidence from high-income countries suggests that the quality of school leadership has measurable impacts on teacher behaviors and student learning achievement. However, there is a lack of rigorous evidence...
School closures from COVID-19 have resulted in large learning losses, from 0.05 to 0.17 standard deviations in high income countries, equivalent to two to six months of lost learning. However, the extent...
The AI revolution is transforming education at an unprecedented pace, offering opportunities to personalize learning experiences, support teachers, and optimize education management. This brief explores...
Este documento tiene como propósito analizar de manera integral el desempeño del sistema educativo de Bogotá durante el período 2020-2023, centrándose en la educación oficial en todos sus niveles, así...
Too many children are not learning to read in the East Asia and Pacific region’s middle-income countries. In some countries in the region, such as the Lao People’s Democratic Republic and the Philippines...
On April 27, 2023, the World Bank Group (WBG) held a virtual discussion with representatives from Breakthrough -- an organization with the vision to create a world where discrimination and violence against...
Focalizar los esfuerzos del sistema educativo en el logro académico y las competencias socioemocionales de las niñas y los niños, adolescentes y jóvenes, para asegurar trayectorias completas desde la...
La presente Estrategia Regional de Educación articula el plan del Banco Mundial (2022-25) para apoyar la educación en África Occidental y Central (AFW). Con base en la evidencia global y regional, las...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
Education is the cornerstone of development, and an essential driver of stability, social cohesion, and peace. Countries need to invest in learning today to build the Western and Central Africa of tomorrow...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
This Regional Education Strategy articulates the World Bank’s plan (2022–25) for supporting education in AFW countries. Based on global and regional evidence, lessons learned, and consultations with diverse...
The schooling disruption caused by COVID-19 in Kuwait is among the longest in the world. Using the similarities between the schooling disruptions due to the Gulf War and the schooling disruption due to...