Vulnerability to climate change and water scarcity is increasing globally. How this affects individual employment outcomes is still not well understood. Using survey data collected from approximately half...
Developing countries are facing mounting pressures to incorporate environmental concerns into their policy reform agendas. This paper finds that common environmental policies, such as levying taxes to...
The world's over 3,800 coal-fired power plants are sources of substantial emissions of toxic air pollutants. This study explores people's unequal exposure to air pollution from these coal plants. It simulates...
Ambient air pollution is a major contributor to illness and premature deaths in much of the developing world, including Lagos. The World Bank is committed to supporting countries severely affected by pollution...
Carbon pricing policies worldwide are increasingly coupled with direct or indirect subsidies where emissions pricing revenues are rebated to the regulated entities. This paper analyzes the incentives created...
Ratings for the Second National Environmental Project for Brazil were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, risk to development outcome was moderate, Bank performance was unsatisfactory, and Borrower...
Timely completion of criminal proceedings has an important role in reaching the minimum distance in time from the commission of the crime to the imposition of criminal sanctions. The obligation of each...
Ratings for the First, Second, and Third Environmental Development Policy Loans Projects of Peru were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, risk to global environment was low, Bank performance was satisfactory...