Územné plánovanie je jedným z najdôležitejších politických nástrojov pre mestský a regionálny rozvoj, ktorého cieľom je uspokojiť potreby obyvateľstva s prihliadnutím na rôzne faktory, ako je udržateľnosť...
Land use planning is one of the most important policy instruments for urban and regional development aiming to meet the needs of the populations while considering various factors such as environmental...
The development objective of Housing Repair for People's Empowerment Project for Ukraine is to: (a) support affected households to regain adequate housing through repair of damaged housing stock; and (b)...
The development objective of Housing Repair for People's Empowerment Project for Ukraine is to: (a) support affected households to regain adequate housing through repair of damaged housing stock; and (b)...
The development objective of the Improving Access to Affordable Housing Project for Mexico is to increase access to affordable housing for low-income beneficiaries. The project comprises of three components...
La vivienda es un motor de la economía que genera crecimiento económico y empleo, maximiza el impacto de las inversiones en infraestructura urbana y de transporte, y aumenta los ingresos fiscales. A pesar...
This main report is about Africa that is rapidly urbanizing and will lead the world’s urban growth in the coming decades. Currently, Africa is the least‐urbanized continent, accommodating 11.3 percent...
This main report is about Africa that is rapidly urbanizing and will lead the world’s urban growth in the coming decades. Currently, Africa is the least‐urbanized continent, accommodating 11.3 percent...
The Government of Romania (GOR) has asked the World Bank to support its efforts to harmonizepublic investments financed by the European Union and from the State budget. The objectives of thiswork are to...
The development objective of the Inclusive Housing Finance Program Project for Egypt is to strengthen the government's capacity to deliver housing solutions to low-income households through supporting...
This news release, dated November 29, 2005, announces the World Bank’s Board of Directors approved a 200.51 million dollars loan to support the Mexican government’s efforts to improve access to housing...
This press release announces that millions of poor people in the fast-growing cities of developing countries do not have adequate housing because of the tendency to build unrealistically high standard...