The WBG's mission is to work across the housing value chain to enable and deepen the market. For more than 30 years, IFC has supported the expansion of residential mortgage lending and affordable housing...
This report was delivered in month July 2021 under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on the Cluj-Napoca Urban Development Program, concluded between the Municipality of ClujNapoca and the International...
The outcome of the Housing Finance Project for Tanzania was moderately satisfactory, with moderately satisfactory Bank performance and modest monitoring and evaluation quality. The project underwent a...
This paper is part of a series of four Urban Policy Notes that provide a critical review on emergent challenges to Bhutan’s increasing urbanization and its ramifications for growth, livability and sustainability...
The development objective of the Housing Finance Development Program Project for Nigeria is to increase access to housing finance by deepening primary and secondary mortgage markets in the Federal Republic...
The development objective of Housing Finance Project for Tanzania is to facilitate the development of the housing finance market through the provision of medium and long-term liquidity to lenders. This...